Transport Emissions




  • Calibration of Non-Lane Based Macroscopic Continuum Model - a lying Global Search Algorithms. Hari Krishna Gaddam, K. Ramachandra Rao 2018. Mathematics A lied in Transport and Traffic systems (MATTS), TU Delft, The Netherlands, 17-19 Oct 2018.


  • Public Health Burden of Transport in Delhi, Rahul Goel, Sarath Guttikunda, Geetam Tiwari. Journal of Transport & Health Volume 5, Supplement, June 2017, Page S57, ( Research, 2022.

  • Network redesign for efficient crowd flow and evacuation. Lakshay Taneja, Nomesh B.Bolia, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 53, January 2018, Pages 251-266.


  • Determination of sample size for speed measurement on urban arterials, Varsha, V., Pandey, G.H., Rao, K.R., & Bindhu, B.K. 2016.. Transportation Research Procedia, 17, 384-390

  • Analysis of the factors influencing the use of public buses in Delhi, Suman, H.K., Bolia, N.B., & Tiwari, G. 2016.. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 04016003

  • Air flow, heat transfer and impact study of ventilated and non-ventilated full-face motorcycle helmet. Shishodia, B.S., Sikri, S., Sanghi, S., & Mahajan, P. 2016. International Journal of Crashworthiness 1-10

  • Optimisation study on multibody vehicle-front model for pedestrian safety. Sankarasubramanian, H., Chawla, A., Mukherjee, S., & Goehlich, D. 2016.. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 21, (1) 63-78

  • Pedestrians risk perception of traffic crash and built environment features Delhi, India, Rankavat, S. & Tiwari, G. 2016b. Safety science, 87, 1-7

  • Pedestrian’s perceptions for utilization of pedestrian facilities Delhi, India. Rankavat, S. & Tiwari, G. 2016a., Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 42, 495-499

  • Urban traffic safety assessment: A case study of six Indian cities. Mohan, D., Tiwari, G., & Mukherjee, S. 2016.. IATSS Research, 39, (2) 95-101

  • Driverless vehicles and their future in india, Mohan, D. 2016b.. Economic & Political Weekly, 51, (32) 107

  • Motorcycle helmet and car seat belt use patterns in Delhi, India: implications for traffic safety interventions. Mohan, D. 2016a. 662. Injury Prevention, 22, (Suppl 2) A237-A238

  • Statistical modelling for crossing behaviour of pedestrians on urban road: case study Delhi. Khatoon, M., Tiwari, G., & Chatterjee, N. 2016. 665, India. Injury Prevention, 22, (Suppl 2) A239

  • Ontology approach for analysis of safety incidents in urban transport. Jha, A.N., Chatterjee, N., & Tiwari, G. 2016. 711. Injury Prevention, 22, (Suppl 2) A255

  • Automobile manufacturers, advertising and traffic safety: case study from India. Jha, A. & Mohan, D. 2016. 858 Injury Prevention, 22, (Suppl 2) A306

  • Evaluation of portable dilution system for aerosol measurement from stationary and mobile combustion sources. Jaiprakash, Habib, G., & Kumar, S. 2016, Aerosol Science and Technology, 50, (7) 717-731

  • On-road emissions of CO, CO2 and NOX from four wheeler and emission estimates for Delhi. Jaiprakash, Habib, G., Kumar, A., Sharma, A., & Haider, M. 2016. Journal of Environmental Sciences

  • Assessment of motor vehicle use characteristics in three Indian cities. Goel, R., Mohan, D., Guttikunda, S.K., & Tiwari, G. 2016.. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 44, 254-265

  • Estimation of PCE values for hill roads in heterogeneous traffic conditions. Gautam, A., Das, A., Rao, K.R., & Tiwari, G. 2016. Transportation Letters 1-9

  • Characterisation of human diaphragm at high strain rate loading. Gaur, P., Chawla, A., Verma, K., Mukherjee, S., Lalvani, S., Malhotra, R., & Mayer, C. 2016. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 60, 603-616

  • Comparison of numerical schemes for lower model under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Gaddam, H.K., Chinthireddy, A., & Rao, K.R. 2016. Periodical Polytechnic a Transportation Engineering, 44, (3) 132-140

  • Understanding the road safety performance of OECD countries. . Bhalla, K. & Mohan, D. In Transport Planning and Traffic Safety: Making Cities, Roads, and Vehicles Safer 2016, 1-15


  • Suman Hemant K, Bolia Nomesh B., Tiwari Geetam. User Profile, Trip Profile, and Perception of Bus commuters in Delhi, India. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting 15-0538. 2015.

  • Subramanian Hariharan S., Mukherjee Sudipto, Anoop Chawla, Vakhil Suhail M., Varghese Mathew, Dinesh Mohan. Pedestrian Injuries in Delhi, India: Analysis of Hospital Data. IRCOBI Conference Proceedings IRC-15-17. 2015.

  • Kulkarni Ashish, Narendra Kumar, Kalaga Ramachandra Rao. ITS Implementation in Bus Rapid Transit Systems in India. Information Technology Towards New Smart World (NSITNSW).2015 5th National Symposium on, IEEE. 1-10. 2015.

  • Kalaga Ramachandra Rao, Tiwari Geetam, Dixit Subhagaya, Diaz Ivan Sanchez. Freight Distribution Patterns in City Centers. 6th Metrans Urban Freight Conference Long Beach, CA. 2015.

  • Rankavat Shalini, Tiwari Geetam. Association between Built Environment and pedestrian Fatal Crash Risk in Delhi India. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting 15-0153. 2015.

  • Mohan Dinesh. Autonomous Vehicles and Their Future in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Conference on Driverless Technology and its Urban Impact. 20. 2015. New York, NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management. 28-5-2015

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2015, The Safety of Vulnerable Road Users: The Challenge for Twenty-First Century: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 22, no. 2, p. 93-94.

  • Tabish SZS, and Jha K.N., 2015, Success Factors for Safety Performance in Public Construction Projects: Indian Concrete Journal.

  • Patel Shivdayal, Ahmad Suhail, and Mahajan Puneet, 2015, Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Composite Body Armor: Springer, p. 259-272.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Safety Challenges of Powered Two-Wheelers: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 22, no. 4, p. 281-283.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Role of Nonmotorized Transport and Sustainable Transport in Indian Cities: Springer, p. 133-150.

  • Goel Rahul, Gani Shahzad, Guttikunda Sarath K., Wilson Daniel, and Tiwari Geetam, 2015, On-Road PM 2.5 Pollution Exposure in Multiple Transport Micro environments in Delhi: Atmospheric Environment, v. 123, p. 129-138.

  • Singh Harpreet, and Mahajan Puneet, 2015, Modelling Damage Induced Plasticity for Low Velocity Impact Simulation of Three Dimensional Fiber Reinforced Composite: Composite Structures, v. 131, p. 290-303.

  • Mohan Rao, and Kalaga Ramachandra Rao, 2015, Microscopic Simulation to Evaluate the Trafficc Congestion Mitigation Strategies for Urban Arterials: European Transport, v. 58.

  • Tanwar Monika, and Bolia Nomesh, 2015, Maintenance Modelling Using Generalized Renewal Process for sequential Imperfect Corrective and Preventive Maintenance: International Journal of Performability engineering, v. 11, no. 5.

  • Mohan Rao, and Kalaga Ramachandra Rao, 2015, Free Speed Modelling for Urban Arterials - a Case Study Delhi: Periodica Polytechnica, Transportation Engineering, v. 43, no. 3, p. 111-119.

  • Prakhar Balasubramanian, and Kalaga Ramachandra Rao, 2015, Development of an Adaptive Long-Term Bus Arrival Time Prediction Model with Cyclic Variations: Public Transportation, v. 18, no. 1, p. 1-18.

  • Mohan Dinesh, and Jha A., 2015, Automobile Manufactures, Advertising and Traffic Safety in India: Economic & Political Weekly, v. 51, p. 28-30.

  • Goel Rahul, Mohan Dinesh, Guttikunda Sarath K., and Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Assessment of Motor Vehicle Use Characteristics in Three Indian Cities: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

  • Solaymani Hamid R, and Gosain A.K., 2015, Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in a Semi-Arid Watershed in Iran Using Regional Climate Models: Journal of Water and Climate Change, IWA Publishing, v. 6, no. 1, p. 161-180.

  • Naqvi Hasan M., and Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Accident Analysis of a two-Lane National Highway in India: SAE Technical Paper.

  • Goel Rahul, and Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Access-Egress and Other Travel Characteristics of Metro Users in Delhi and Its Statellite Cities: IATSS Research.

  • Pandey Gaurav, Rao K. Ramachandra, and Mohan Dinesh, 2015, A review of cellular automata model for heterogeneous traffic conditions: Springer, no. 471, p. 478.

  • Singh Harpreet, Mahajan Puneet, and Namala Kiran Kumar, 2015, A progressive failure study of e-glass/epoxy composite in case of low velocity impact: Springer, p. 273-300.

  • Singh Harpreet, Namala Kiran Kumar, and Mahajan Puneet, 2015, A damage evolution study of e-glass/epoxy composite under low velocity Imapact: Composites Part B.Engineering, v. 76, p. 235-248.

  • Bhalla K., and Mohan Dinesh, 2015, Safety of Young Children on Motorized Two-Wheelers Around the World: A Review of the Global Epidemiological Evidence: IATSS Research, v. 38, no. 2, p. 83-91.

  • Pandey Gaurav, Mohan Dinesh, and Rao K.Ramachandra, 2015, Why Do Three-Wheelers Carrying Schoolchildren Suffer Very Low Fatal Crashes?: IATSS Research, v. 38, no. 2, p. 130-134.

  • Goel Rahul, Guttikunda Sarath K., Mohan Dinesh, and Tiwari Geetam, 2015, Benchmarking Vehicle and Passenger Travel Characteristics in Delhi for On-Road Emisssions Analysis: Travel Behaviour and Society, v. 2, no. 2, p. 88-101.

  • Guttikunda Sarath K., Goel Rahul, Mohan Dinesh, Tiwari Geetam, and Gadepalli Ravi, 2015, Particulate and Gaseous Emissions in Two Coastal Cities - Chennai and Vishakhapatnam: Air Qaulity, Atomosphere & Health, v. 10.1007/s11869-014-0303-6, p. 1-14.


  • Jha K.N., Mohan Dinesh, Tiwari Geetam, Mukherjee Sudipto. Work Zone Safety Manual. 2014. National Highway Authority of India.

  • Sankara Subramnian H., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Gohlich Dietmar. Optimization Study on Multi-Body Vehice-Front Model for Pedestrian Safety. The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2014). 2014. Izmir, turkey.

  • Subramanian, Hariharan S., Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, Gohlich Dietmar. Methodology for Estimation of Probable Location of VRU Before Impact Using Data from Post-Crash Analysis. In IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. IRC-14-48, 414-427. 2014.

  • Mohan Dinesh. Impact of Road Traffic Crashes in Asia: A Human and Economic Assessment. Eight Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (Est) Forum in Asia. 1-13. 2014. Tokyo. 19-11-2014.

  • Gupta Sumeet, Singh Yogender, Tiwari Geetam. Driver Behaviour and Warning Signs in Highway Work Zones. In Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting. 14-5728. 2014.

  • Varsha V., Pandey G.H., Rao K.Ramachandra, Bindhu B.K. Determination of Sample Size for Speed Measurement on Urban Arterials. TPMDC-2014 International Conference, Transportation Research Procedia. 2014. IIT Bombay.

  • Guttikunda Sarath K., Goel Rahul, Mohan Dinesh, Tiwari Geetam, and Gadepalli Ravi, 2014, Particulate and Gaseous Emissions in Two Coastal Cities - Chennai and Vishakhapatnam, India: Air Qaulity, Atomosphere & Health, p. 1-14.

  • Khatoon Mariya, Tiwari Geetam, and Chatterjee N., 2014, Binary Probabilistic Models for Pedestriansa Crossing Behaviour and Risk at the Free Left Turn: Delhi India: Eastern Asia Society for Transp.Studies.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2014, The Decade of Action for Road Safety-Progress in Research: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 21, no. 2, p. 101-102.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2014, Moving beyond Safety Legislation: Research Agenda for 2015: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 21, no. 4, p. 303-304.

  • Guttikunda Sarath K., and Mohan Dinesh, 2014, Re-Fueling Road Transport for Better Air Quality in India: Energy Policy, v. 68, p. 556-561.

  • Mohan Dinesh, Goel Rahul, Guttikunda Sarath K., and Tiwari Geetam, 2014, Assessment of Motor Vehicle Use Characteristics in Three Indian Cities: Transportation Research, p. 54.

  • Upadhyay Amit, and Bolia Nomesh, 2014, Combined Empty and Loaded Train Scheduling for Dedicated Freight Railway Corridors: Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 76, p. 23-31.

  • Gadepalli Ravi, Jahed M., Rao K.Ramachandra, and Tiwari Geetam, 2014, Multiple Classification Analysis for Trip Production Models Using Household Data: Case Study of Patna: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, p. 140-141.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2014, The Role of Cycle Rickshaws in Urban Transport: Today and Tomorrow Transfers: Transfers, v. 4, no. 1, p. 83-96.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2014, Planning and Designing Transport Systems to Ensure Safe Travel for Women: In International Transport Forum Discussion Papers.

  • Sadhu Sarma SLN, Tiwari Geetam, and Jain Himani, 2014, Impact of Cycle Rickshaw Trolley (CRT) as Non-Motorised Freight Transport in Delhi: Transport Policy, v. 35, p. 64-70.

  • Pandey Gaurav, Rao K.Ramachandra, and Mohan Dinesh, 2014, Review of Cellular Automata Model for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions: Springer International, v. 10.1007/978-3-319-10629-8_52, p. 13.


  • Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Impact of Planning Polices and Design Intervention on Road Traffic Crashes: Case Studies from Delhi: Safety Sustainability and Future Urban Transport

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2013, Urban Transport and Climate Change. Health, environment and Sustainable Development: Towards the Future We Want: Pan American Health Organization.

  • S.M.Hassan Mahdavi M, K.Ramachandra Rao, Tiwari Geetam. A Review of Bus Route Network Design Procedures: Multi-Objective Optinization Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Urban Mobility Conference. 2013

  • Tiwari Geetam. Low Cost Means of Transport in Cities: the Critical Element in City Transport Systems in Low Income Countries. Godard X. and Fantonzoun I.A.A. CODATU X, Lome 9Togo, Urban Mobility for all. 215-220. 2013. Balkema

  • Arun Mike W.J., Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, Sharma Girish, Shah Parthiv, Ageorges Christophe. Characterization of Human Long Bones Using Experiments, Imaging and Inverse Finite Element Techniques. IRCOBI Proceedings. 133. 2013.

  • Sankara Subramnian H., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Gohlich Dietmar. A Method to Compare and Quantify Threat to Pedestrian Using Injury Cost Measure. IRCOBI Proceedings. 896-910. 2013.

  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Zubair M., Suthar B., Kansal S. Closed Loop Autonomous Calibration of Teleoperation Exoskeleton. In Proceeding of Conference on Advances in Robotics (ACM). 1-3. 2013.

  • Suhaib M., Mukherjee Sudipto. Finger Gaiting for Rotation of Sphere by Multifingered Robot Hand. In Proceedings of Conference on Advances in Robotics (ACM). 1-4. 2013.

  • Shishodia B.S., Sanghi S., Mahajan P. A Comparative Study of Turbulence Models Performance for the Study of Air Flow in Helmets. 1st International Conference on Helmet Performanceand Design. HPS-2013-8. 2013. Imperial College, London UK.

  • Mohan Dinesh. Safety of Children as Motorcycle Passengers. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. 9, 1-10. 2013.

  • Rao K.Ramachandra, Tiwari Geetam. Construction Zone Traffic Management - A Case Study on National Highways Widening in India. 2nd International Conference Infra Devision in Africa. 2013. Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • Agarwal A., Ziske M., Rao K.Ramachandra, Nagel K. Person-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Mixed Traffic Conditions. Conference Agent Based Modelling in Transport Planning and Operations. 2013. 30-9-2013.

  • Grover S., Tiwari Geetam, Rao K.Ramachandra. Low Carbon Mobility Plans: a Case Study of Ludhiana. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 104, 785-794. 2013.

  • Rankavat Shalini, Tiwari Geetam. Pedestrian Accident Analysis in Delhi Using GIS. In Proceeding of the Eastern Asia Society for Trans.Studies. 9, 272. 2013.

  • Prajapati P., Tiwari Geetam. Study of Relation Between Actual and Perceived Crash Risk. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 104, 1095-1104. 2013.

  • Prajapati P., Tiwari Geetam. Evaluating Safety of Urban Arterial Roads of Medium Sized Indian City. In Proceeding of the Eastern Asia Society for Trans.Studies. 9, 375. 2013.

  • Khatoon Mariya, Tiwari Geetam, Chatterjee N. Modelling of Pedestrian Unsafe Road Crossing Behavior: A Comparison at a Signalized and a Non-3 Signalized Crosswalk 4. In TRB 92nd Annual Meeting. 13-4086. 2013.

  • Gandhi Sandeep, Tiwari Geetam, Fazio Joseph. Comparative Evaluation of Alternate Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) Planning, Operation and Design Options. In Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. 9, 244. 2013.

  • Prasad C., Swamy A.K., Tiwari Geetam. Calibration of HDM-4 Emission Models for Indian Conditions. 2nd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (2nd CTRG) (Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences). 104, 274-281. 2013.

  • Gupta S., Tiwari Geetam. Speed Characteristics of Road Users in Work Zones on Indian Highways. In Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. 9, 388. 2013.

  • Hasan A., and Jha K.N., 2013, Safety Incentive and Penalty Provision in Indian Construction Projects and their Impact on Safety Performance: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 20, no. 1, p. 3-12.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Impact of Planning Polices and Design Intervention on Road Traffic Crashes: Case Studies from Delhi: Safety Sustainability and Future Urban Transport.

  • Chawla Anoop, 2013, International Journal of Crashworthiness Reviewers: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 6.

  • Dasgupta S., Gosain A., K.Rao, S.Roy, Sarraf M., and Tiwari Geetam, 2013, A Megacity in a Changing Climate: the case of Kolkata: Climatic Change, v. 116, no. 3-4, p. 747-766.

  • Teja C.K., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2013, Determining the Strain Rate Dependence of Cortical and Cancellous Bones of Human Tibia Using a Split Hopkinson pressure Bar: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 1, p. 11-18.

  • Teja C.K., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2013, Determining the Strain Rate Dependence of Cortical and Cancellous Bones of Human Tibia Using a Split Hopkinson pressure Bar: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 1, p. 11-18.

  • Sharma P., Chandel P., Mangla V., Mahajan Puneet, and Singh M., 2013, Effect of Strain Rate on Constitutive Behavior of AA-5052 H34: Key Engineering Materials, v. 535, p. 60-63.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Motorcycle Mobility and Traffic Risk: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 20, no. 2, p. 101-102.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Road Safety: Laws and Implementation.: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, v. 20, no. 4, p. 305-306.

  • Mohan Dinesh, and Bangdiwala S., 2013, Urban Street Structure and Safety: Seminar, p. 1-15.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2013, Urban Transport and Climate Change. Health, environment and Sustainable Development: Towards the Future We Want: Pan American Health Organization.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2013, Moving Around in Indian Cities: Economic & Political Weekly, v. XLVIII, p. 40-48.

  • Gadepalli Ravi, Jahed M., Rao K.Ramachandra, and Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Multiple Classification Analysis for Trip Production Models Using Household Data: Case Study of Patna, India: Journal of Urban Planning Devision, v. 104, p. 785-794.

  • Khatoon Mariya, Tiwari Geetam, and Chatterjee N., 2013, Binary probabilistic models for pedestrians crossing behaviour and risk at the free left turn: Delhi: Eastern Asia Society for Transp.Studies, v. 10, p. 1-12.

  • Sen A.K., Tiwari Geetam, and Upadhyay V., 2013, Strategies of State and Local Government in Management of Urban Transport Problems - A Case of Delhi: Research in Transportation Economics, v. 38, no. 1, p. 11-21.

  • Figueroa M.J., Fulton L., and Tiwari Geetam, 2013, Avoiding, Transforming, Transitioning: Pathways to Sustainable Low Carbon Passenger Transport in Developing Countries: Current Option in Environmental Sustainability, v. 5, no. 2, p. 184-190.

  • Khatoon Mariya, Tiwari Geetam, and Chatterjee N., 2013, Impact of Grade Separator on Pedestrian Risk Taking Behavior: Accident Analysis & Prevention, v. 50, p. 861-870.


  • Arun Mike W.J., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2011, Predicting Fracture Imitation, Propagation and Diversion in Long Bones Under Impact Using Drucker-Prager Plastic Model and Damage Modelling: American Society of Biomechanics

  • Rao Mohan, and Rao K. Ramachandra, 2011, Systematic Identification of Bottlenecks on Urban Arterials: A Case Study: Journal of Urban Transport, v. 10, p. 86-98.

  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, Marwah K., Grover L., Keishing J. Dynamic Properties of Human Cancellous Bones. 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), July 11-13. 11-0429, 1-4. 2011. Washington DC.

  • Sankara Subramnian H., Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop. Optimization of Vehicle Front for Safety of Pedestrians. 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), July 11-13. 11-0422, 1-8. 2011. Washington DC.

  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, Saurabh Hui, Sahoo Debashish, Arun Mike W.J. Dynamic Properties of the Shoulder Complex Bones. 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), June 13-16. 11-428, 1-4. 2011. Washington DC.

  • Khatoon Mariya, Tiwari Geetam, Chatterjee N. Statistical Analysis to Measure Pedestrian Risk at Foot of Flyover. UMI 2011 Research Symposium, 3-5 December. 2011. New Delhi.

  • Ghosh Abhijit, Tiwari Geetam. Financial Operational and Safety Performance of Bus System: Case Study DTC. UMI 2011 Research Symposium, 3-5 December. 2011. New Delhi.

  • Jain Deepty, Tiwari Geetam. Impact of Strategies Changing the Infrastructure for NMB and Buses on Accessibility of Urban Residents. UMI 2011 Research Symposium, 3-5 December. 2011. New Delhi.

  • Sinha S., Rao K.Ramachandra, Deb S.K., Singh J.K. Study of the Influence of Lateral Distribution of Traffic on Asphalt Pavement Design. 1st Conference of Transport Research Group of India (CTRG), December. 2011. Bangalore.

  • Gadepally S.B.Ravi, and Tiwari Geetam, 2011, Evaluating the Impact of Free Left Turns on Trafic Behavior at Signalized Intersections in Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions: Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, v. 9, p. 1700-1714.

  • Arun Mike W.J., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2011, Predicting Fracture Initation, Propagation and Diversion in Long Bones Under Impact Using Drucker-Prager Plastic Model and Damage Modelling: American Society of Biomechanics.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2011, Effect of Impactor Mass on the Response of Knee Joint During Finite Element Simulations: International Journal of Vehicle Safety, v. 5, no. 2, p. 189-195.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Malhotra R., 2011, Effect of Muscle Contraction in High Speed Car-Pedestrian Impact - Simulations for Walking Posture: International Journal of Vehicle Safety, v. 5, no. 2, p. 101-116.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2011, Analysis of Road Traffic Fatality Data for Asia: Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportations Studies, v. 9, p. 1786-1795.

  • Mallikarjuna, and Rao K.Ramachandra, 2011, Heterogeneous Traffic Modelling: a Complete Methodology: Transport metrica, v. 7, no. 5, p. 321-345.

  • Rao Mohan, and Rao K.Ramachandra, 2011, Systematic Identification of Bottlenecks on Urban Arterials: A Case Study: Journal of Urban Transport, v. 10, p. 86-98.


  • Rao K. Ramachandra, and Mohan Rao, 2009, Application of GPS for Traffic Studies: Urban Transport, v. 8, no. 1, p. 44-55.

  • Jani D., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Goyal R., Nataraju V. Human Body FE Model Repositioning: A Step Towards Posture Specific - Human Body Models (PS-HBM). IRCOBI Conference. 2009.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Malhotra R. Effect of Muscle Contraction in Low Speed Car-Pedestrian Impact - Simulations for Walking Posture. The 21st ESV Conference Proceedings. 09-0366-0. 2009. Stuttgart.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Malhotra R. Sensitivity Analysis of Muscle Parameters and Identification of Effective Muscles Parameters and Identification of Effective Muscles in Low Speed Lateral Impact. SAE World Congress. 2009. Detriot.

  • Warhatkar Hemant, Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Malhotra R. Experimental Study of Variation Between Quasi-Static and Dynamic Load Deformation Properties of Medical Collateral Knee Ligaments. SAE World Congress. 2009-01-0392. 2009. Detriot.

  • Pinnoji P.K., Mahajan Puneet. Damage and elamination Study in Composite Shells for a Motorcycle Helmet. 15th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS15). 2009. Porto, Portugal.

  • Mohan Dinesh. Seat Belt Law and Road Traffic Injuries in Delhi, India. The 8th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. 7, 392. 2009.

  • Jain A.M., Rao K.Ramachandra. Characteristics of Intercity Air Travel in India. 14th HKSTS Conference. 2009. Hong Kong.

  • Mallikarjuna, Rao K.Ramachandra. Developing and Validating A Simulation Model for Heterogeneous Traffic. TRB Annual Meeting. 2009. Washington.

  • Woodcock James, 2009, Public Health Benefits of Strategies to Reduce Greehouse Gas Emissions: Urban Land Transport, TRIPP Report Series: Lancet, v. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61714-1, p. 1-14.

  • Jani D., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Goyal R., and Nataraju V., 2009, Repositioning the Human Body Lower Extremity FE Model: SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, v. 2, no. 1, p. 1024-1030.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Malhotra R., 2009, Response of Lower Limb in Full Scale Car-Pedestrian Low Speed Lateral Impact-Influence of Muscle Contraction: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 14, no. 4, p. 339-348.

  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Karthikeyan B., 2009, Characterization of Human Passive Muscles for Impact Loads Using Genetic algorithm and Inverse Finite Element Methods: Biomechanics and Modelling in Mechanobiology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 67-76.

  • Rao K.Ramachandra, and Mohan Rao, 2009, Application of GPS for Traffic Studies: Urban Transport, v. 8, no. 1, p. 44-55.

  • Mallikarjuna, Phanindra A., and Rao K.Ramachandra, 2009, Cellular Automata Model for Heterogeneous Traffic: Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, v. 135, no. 4, p. 174-182.

  • Woodcock J., 2009, Public Health Benefits of Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions: Urban Land Transport: Lancet, v. 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61714-1, p. 1-14.


  • Kharola P.S., 2008, Financing Urban Public Transport: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 70-83.

  • Tiwari Geetam, and Jain Himani, 2008,Bicycles in Urban India: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 59-68.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto. Response of Lower Extremity in Car-Pedestrian Impact-Influence of Muscle Contraction. IRCOBI Conference Proceedings, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. 469-472. 2008. Zurich

  • Pinnoji P.K., Haider Z., and Mahajan Puneet, 2008, Design of Motorcycle Helmets: Computational Fluid and Impact Analysis: International Journal of Crash worthiness, v. 13, no. 3, p. 265-278.

  • Pinnoji P.K., and Mahajan Puneet, 2008, Two Wheeler Helmets with Ventilation and Metal Foam: Defence Science Journal, v. 58, no. 3, p. 302-311.

  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Iyer S.K., 2008, Use of Optimization to Position Dummies in Crash Simulations: Institute of Engineers Journal, v. 89, p. 42-46.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2008, Traffic Safety and City Structure: Lessons for the Future: Salud Publica de Mexico, v. 50, no. S1, p. S93-S100.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2008, Road Traffic Injuries: a Stocktaking: Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, v. 22, no. 4, p. 725-739.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2008, Mythologies, Metro Rail Systems and Future Urban Transport: Economic and Political Weekly, v. 43, p. 41-53.

  • Tiwari Geetam, and Kharola P.S., 2008, Urban Public Transport Systems: Are the Taxation Policies Congenial for Their Survival and Growth: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. XLIII, no. 41, p. 41-47.

  • Tiwari Geetam, Fazio Joseph, Gaurav S., and Chatterjee N., 2008, Continuity Equation Validation for Non-Homogeneous Traffic: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 134, no. 3, p. 118-127.

  • Kharola P.S., 2008, Financing Urban Public Transport: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 70-83.

  • Tiwari Geetam, and Jain Himani, 2008, Bicycles in Urban India: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 59-68.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2008, Three-Wheeled Scooter Taxi: Problems and Solutions for an Efficient Mode of Transport: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 52-58.

  • Kumar Adarsh, Singh J.K., Mohan Dinesh, and Varghese Mathew, 2008, Farm Hand Tools Injuries: A Case Study From Northern India: Safety Science, v. 46, p. 54-65.


  • Roberts I., Mohan Dinesh, and Abbasi K., 2002, War on the Roads: British Medical Journal, v. 324, p. 1107-1108.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Work Trips and Safety of Bicyclists: Indian Journal of Transport Management, v. 26, no. 2, p. 225-233.

  • Tiwari Geetam. Planning for Bicycles and Other Non-Motorised Modes: The Critical Element in City Transport System. ADB International Workshop on Transport Planning, Demand Management and Air Quality. 2002. Manila.

  • Kumar Adarsh, Mohan Dinesh, Patel Rajesh, and Mathew Varghese, 2002, Development of Grain Threshers Based on Ergonomic Design Criteria: Applied Ergonomics, v. 33, no. 5, p. 503-508.

  • Neill O.B., and Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Reducing Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths and Injuries in Newly Motorising Countries: British Medical Journal, v. 324, p. 1142-1145.

  • Roberts I., Mohan Dinesh, and Abbasi K., 2002, War on the Roads: British Medical Journal, v. 324, p. 1107-1108.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Traffic Safety and Health in Indian Cities: Journal of Transport and Infrastructure, v. 9, no. 1, p. 79-94.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Road Safety in Less-Motorized Environments: Future Concerns: International Journal of Epidemiol, v. 31, no. 3, p. 572-532.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Work Trips and Safety of Bicyclists: Indian Journal of Transport Management, v. 26, no. 2, p. 225-233.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Les Accidents de la Circulation et Les Politiques en Inde (French): Annales Des Ponts et Chaussess, v. 101, p. 37-46.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2002, Urban Transport Priorities - Meeting the Challenge of Socio-economic Diversity in Cities, A Case Study of Delhi, India: Cities, v. 19, no. 2, p. 95-103.

  • Tiwari Geetam, 2002, Returning Streets to the People: British Medical Journal, p. 324-1164.

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