





  • Air flow, heat transfer and impact study of ventilated and non-ventilated full-face motorcycle helmet. Shishodia, B.S., Sikri, S., Sanghi, S., & Mahajan, P. 2016. International Journal of Crashworthiness 1-10

  • Motorcycle helmet and car seat belt use patterns in Delhi, India: implications for traffic safety interventions. Mohan, D. 2016a. 662. Injury Prevention, 22, (Suppl 2) A237-A238

  • Evaluation of portable dilution system for aerosol measurement from stationary and mobile combustion sources. Jaiprakash, Habib, G., & Kumar, S. 2016, Aerosol Science and Technology, 50, (7) 717-731

  • Characterisation of human diaphragm at high strain rate loading. Gaur, P., Chawla, A., Verma, K., Mukherjee, S., Lalvani, S., Malhotra, R., & Mayer, C. 2016. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 60, 603-616


  • Singh Harpreet, Mahajan Puneet, and Namala Kiran Kumar, 2015, A progressive failure study of e-glass/epoxy composite in case of low velocity impact: Springer, p. 273-300.

  • Singh Harpreet, Namala Kiran Kumar, and Mahajan Puneet, 2015, A damage evolution study of e-glass/epoxy composite under low velocity Imapact: Composites Part B.Engineering, v. 76, p. 235-248.

  • Pandey Gaurav, Mohan Dinesh, and Rao K.Ramachandra, 2015, Why Do Three-Wheelers Carrying Schoolchildren Suffer Very Low Fatal Crashes?: IATSS Research, v. 38, no. 2, p. 130-134.


  • Guttikunda Sarath K., Goel Rahul, Mohan Dinesh, Tiwari Geetam, and Gadepalli Ravi, 2014, Particulate and Gaseous Emissions in Two Coastal Cities - Chennai and Vishakhapatnam, India: Air Qaulity, Atomosphere & Health, p. 1-14.


  • Chawla Anoop, 2013, International Journal of Crashworthiness Reviewers: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 6.

  • Teja C.K., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2013, Determining the Strain Rate Dependence of Cortical and Cancellous Bones of Human Tibia Using a Split Hopkinson pressure Bar: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 1, p. 11-18.

  • Teja C.K., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2013, Determining the Strain Rate Dependence of Cortical and Cancellous Bones of Human Tibia Using a Split Hopkinson pressure Bar: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 18, no. 1, p. 11-18.

  • Sharma P., Chandel P., Mangla V., Mahajan Puneet, and Singh M., 2013, Effect of Strain Rate on Constitutive Behavior of AA-5052 H34: Key Engineering Materials, v. 535, p. 60-63.


  • Jani D., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Goyal R., Vusirikala N., and Jayaraman S., 2012, Repositioning Human Body FE Models - and a Case Study for the Lower Extremity Model: Traffic Injury Prevention, v. 13, no. 6, p. 640-649.

  • Jani D., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Khattri R., 2012, DARSS: A Hybrid Smoother For all Hexahedral Meshes Engineering with Computers: Engineering with Computers, v. 28, no. 2, p. 179-188.


  • Arun Mike W.J., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2011, Predicting Fracture Initation, Propagation and Diversion in Long Bones Under Impact Using Drucker-Prager Plastic Model and Damage Modelling: American Society of Biomechanics.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2011, Effect of Impactor Mass on the Response of Knee Joint During Finite Element Simulations: International Journal of Vehicle Safety, v. 5, no. 2, p. 189-195.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Malhotra R., 2011, Effect of Muscle Contraction in High Speed Car-Pedestrian Impact - Simulations for Walking Posture: International Journal of Vehicle Safety, v. 5, no. 2, p. 101-116.


  • Pinnoji P.K., and Mahajan Puneet, 2010, Analysis of Impact-Induced Damage and Delamination in the Composite Shell of a Helmet, Materials and Design: Materials & Design, v. 31, p. 3716-3723.

  • Pinnoji P.K., Mahajan Puneet, Bourdet N., Deck C., and Willinger R., 2010, Impact Dynamics of Metal Foam Shells for Motorcycle Helmets: Experiments and Numerical Modelling: International Journal of Impact Engineering, v. 37, no. 3, p. 274-284.

  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, and Patel L., 2010, A Road Crash Reconstruction Technique: Institute of Engineers Journal, v. 91, p. 3-8.


  • Jani D., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Goyal R., and Nataraju V., 2009, Repositioning the Human Body Lower Extremity FE Model: SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, v. 2, no. 1, p. 1024-1030.

  • Soni A., Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Malhotra R., 2009, Response of Lower Limb in Full Scale Car-Pedestrian Low Speed Lateral Impact-Influence of Muscle Contraction: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 14, no. 4, p. 339-348.

  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Karthikeyan B., 2009, Characterization of Human Passive Muscles for Impact Loads Using Genetic algorithm and Inverse Finite Element Methods: Biomechanics and Modelling in Mechanobiology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 67-76.


  • Pinnoji P.K., Haider Z., and Mahajan Puneet, 2008, Design of Motorcycle Helmets: Computational Fluid and Impact Analysis: International Journal of Crash worthiness, v. 13, no. 3, p. 265-278.

  • Pinnoji P.K., and Mahajan Puneet, 2008, Two Wheeler Helmets with Ventilation and Metal Foam: Defence Science Journal, v. 58, no. 3, p. 302-311.

  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Iyer S.K., 2008, Use of Optimization to Position Dummies in Crash Simulations: Institute of Engineers Journal, v. 89, p. 42-46.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2008, Three-Wheeled Scooter Taxi: Problems and Solutions for an Efficient Mode of Transport: Urban Transport Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 52-58.

  • Kumar Adarsh, Singh J.K., Mohan Dinesh, and Varghese Mathew, 2008, Farm Hand Tools Injuries: A Case Study From Northern India: Safety Science, v. 46, p. 54-65.


  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, Nayak A., and Mohan Dinesh, 2007, Investigating the Rollover Propensity of a 15 Seater Mini Bus: International Journal of Vehicle Safety, v. 2, no. 1/2, p. 1-19.

  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Mohan Dinesh, and Gawade T.R., 2007, Three-Wheeled Scooter Taxi: A Safety Analysis: Sadhna (Special Issue on Transportation Research - Safety and Sustainability), v. 32, p. 459-478.

  • Pinnoji P.K., and Mahajan Puneet, 2007, Finite Element Modelling of Helmeted Head Impact Under Frontal Loading: Sadhna (Special Issue on Transportation Research - Safety and Sustainability), V.32, No.4, P.445-458.

  • Chawla Anoop, and Mukherjee Sudipto, 2007, Motorcycle Safety Device Investigation: A Case Study on Airbags: Sadhna (Special Issue on Transportation Research - Safety and Sustainability), V.32, No.4, P.427-444.

  • Mukherjee S., Chawla A., Karthikeyan B., and Soni A., 2007, Finite Element Crash Simulations of the Human Body: Passive and Active Muscle Modelling: Sadhna (Special Issue on Transportation Research - Safety and Sustainability), V.32, No.4, P. 409-426


  • Mohan Dinesh, Kale S.R., and Chakravarty S.N., 2006, Use of the Epidemiology in the Public Space: Reconstruction of a Train Fire in India: African Safety, v. 4, p. 130-139.


  • Gawade T.R., Mukherjee Sudipto, and Mohan Dinesh, 2005, Six-Degree-of-Freedom Three-Wheeled-Vehicle Model Validation: Journal of the Automobile Engineering(Proceedings of the IMechE Part D), v. 219, no. 4, p. 485-498

  • Kumar Adarsh, Mathur N.N., Varghese Mathew, Mohan Dinesh, Singh J.K., and Mahajan Puneet, 2005, Effect of Tractor Driving on Hearing Loss in Farmers in India: American Journal of Industrial Medicine, v. 47, p. 341-348.


  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, and Sharma A., 2004, Mesh Generation of Folded Airbags: Computer Aided Design and Applications, v. 1, no. 1-4, p. 269-276.

  • Gawade T.R., Mukherjee Sudipto, and Mohan Dinesh, 2004, Wheel Lift-Off and Ride comfort of Three-Wheeled Vehicle Over Bump: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, v. 85, p. 78-87.

  • Mohan Dinesh, Kumar Adarsh, Patel R., and Varghese Mathew, 2004, Development of Safer Fodder-Cutter Machines: A Case Study from North India: Safety Science, v. 42, p. 43-55.


  • Chawla Anoop, Mukherjee Sudipto, N.Bourdet, Nakatani T, and Ueno M., 2003, Prediction of Crushing Behaviour of Honeycomb Structures: International Journal of Crashworthiness, v. 8, p. 81-88.

  • Mohan Dinesh, and Roy D., 2003, Operating on Three Wheels: Auto-Rickshaw Drivers of Delhi: The Economic and Political Weekly, v. 38, p. 177-180.


  • Kumar Adarsh, Mohan Dinesh, Patel Rajesh, and Mathew Varghese, 2002, Development of Grain Threshers Based on Ergonomic Design Criteria: Applied Ergonomics, v. 33, no. 5, p. 503-508.

  • Mohan Dinesh, 2002, Les Accidents de la Circulation et Les Politiques en Inde (French): Annales Des Ponts et Chaussess, v. 101, p. 37-46.


  • Mukherjee Sudipto, Chawla Anoop, Mohan Dinesh, Singh M., Sakurai M., and Nakatani T., 2001, Preliminary Findings from Motor Cycle - Car Side Impact Simulations: JARI Research Journal.

  • Kumar Adarsh, Mahajan Puneet, Mohan Dinesh, and Varghese Mathew, 2001, Tractor Vibration Severity and Driver Health: a Study from Rural India: Journal of Agriculture Engg.Res., v. 80, no. 4, p. 313-328.


  • Patel R., Kumar Adarsh, and Mohan Dinesh, 2000, Development of an Ergonomic Evaluation Facility for Indian Tractors: Appl.Ergonomic, v. 31, no. 3, p. 311-316.

  • Bawa Bhalla K.S., Kale S.R., and Mohan Dinesh, 2000, Burn Properties of Fabrics and Garments Worn in India: Accident Analysis and Prevention, v. 32, p. 407-420.

  • Varghese Mathew, Kumar Adarsh, and Mohan Dinesh, 2000, Equipment Related Injuries in Agriculture: An International Perspective: Journal of Injury Prevention and Control, v. 7, no. 3, p. 175-186.


  • Mahajan Puneet, and Dutta A., 1999, Adaptive Computation of Impact force Under Low Velocity Impact: Computers and Structures, v. 70, p. 229-241.

  • Kumar Adarsh, 1999, Effect of Whole Body Vibrations on Low Back: A Study of Tractor Driving Farmers of North India, Spine: SPINE, v. 24, no. 23, p. 2506-2515.


  • Sharma V., Mohan Dinesh, and Chawla Anoop, 1998, Computer Simulation of Bus Rollover Crashes: Indian Journal of Transport Management, p. 135-142

  • Sharma V., Mohan Dinesh, and Chawla Anoop, 1998, Computer Simulation of Bus Rollover Crashes: Indian Journal of Transport Management, p. 135-142.

  • Mahajan Puneet, 1998, Contact Behaviour of an Orthotropic Laminated Beam Indented by a Rigid Cylinder: Composites Science and Technology, v. 58, p. 505-513.

  • Kumar Adarsh, Mohan Dinesh, and Mahajan Puneet, 1998, Tractor Related Injuries in North India: Accident Analysis and Prevention, v. 30, no. 1, p. 53-60.


  • Mohan Dinesh, Kaizer J., Bawa Bhalla K.S., & Chawla Anoop 1997. Impact Modelling Studies for a Three-Wheeled Scooter Taxi. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 29, (2) 161-170

  • Varghese Mathew, Qadeer I., & Mohan Dinesh 1997. Paralytic Poliomyelitis in a Rural Area of North India. The National Medical Journal of India, 10, (1) 8-10

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