Sudipto Mukherjee

Mechanism , Robotics, Mechanical system Design, Impact Biomechanics
Dynamics, vehicle crash modeling, biomechanics. Currently involved in motorcycle and three wheeler crash modeling, FE modeling of human body, impact characterization of human tissues


  1. P Gaur, A Chawla, K Verma, S Mukherjee, "Characterisation of human diaphragm at high strain rate loading", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, July 2016, Pages 603-616

  2. A Chawla, S Mukherjee, "Foldable transport container with horizontally slidable side walls and method for folding said container" US Patent 9,517,879, 2016

  3. S. Hariharan, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, "Optimisation study on multibody vehicle-front model for pedestrian safety ",International Journal of Crashworthiness, vol. 21, issue 5, 407-422, 2016

  4. WA Lakew, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, "Measurement of Abrasion Injuries in Crash-related Environments", Biotribology, Volume 9, Pages 12-17, 2017

Academic/Industrial Experience

  1. Volvo Chair Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Current

  2. Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2006-2007

  3. Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001-2006

  4. Assistant Professor , Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1997-2000

  5. Assistant Professor , Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 1992-1996



Mechanical Engineering Department

+91-11-2659 1138

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