Sourabh B Paul

Labour Economics, Empirical Development, Trade Policy, R&D and firm productivity, Technology spillover and labour market effects, Health and Nutrition, Household Behavior Analysis, Crime and Inequality, and Applied Microeconomic Theory.

Sourabh B Paul has joined the department in November 2012. He received PhD in economics from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and MS in Quantitative Economics from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Sourabh's work broadly focuses on how some recent changes in the Indian economy have affected the most vulnerable sections of Indian society. His research encompasses issues such as castes and labour mobility, distributional aspects of trade policy, preferences, nutrition, gender, and violence, among others.


  1. Political Trust, Economic Factors and Partisanship: Explaining Leadership Approval In Indonesia In The Time of Coronavirus (with Neyazi, Taberez A. and Muhtadi, Burhanuddin), 3rd Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research, Asia Chapter, 2020
  2. Discouraged worker effect and labour market behaviour of urban married women (with D. Tayal), 3rd Development Economics Conference 2019, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK (17-19 June 2019).
  3. Knowledge Spillovers and Technological Convergence in the Indian Manufacturing Sector (with Ipsita Roy), XIV International Conference on Public Policy and Management, IIM Bangalore, 2019.
  4. The dynamics of aggregate productivity over business cycle: evidence from Indian organised manufacturing plants (with D. Goswami), 5th DIAL Development Conference, Paris-Dauphine University, Paris (July 4-5, 2019) and Fourth Conference - Productivity, financial constraints and labour decisions of SMEs, The University of Sydney, Australia (May 16-17, 2019).
  5. Job creation and job destruction in Indian manufacturing (with D. Goswami), WIDER Development Conference, Bangkok, Thailand ( September 11-13, 2019) and Summer School of the DFG Labor Network, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany (July 23-27, 2018).
  6. Strategic interactions, R&D and stability of joint venture in developing country (with R. Kaushik), 9th Strategic Interaction and General Equilibrium: Theories and Applications. University of Paris, Nanterre (November, 29-30th 2018).
  7. Does transparency improve public program targeting? Evidence from India’s old-age pension reforms (with Viola Asri, Katharina Michaelowa, and Sitakanta Panda), CIS Working Paper No. 92, Center for Comparative and International Studies, University of Zurich, 2017 (earlier version at Gottingen Development Economics Conference on 24 June 2016).
  8. Efficient Transport Services? Growth and Environmental Implications Case Study of India ( with R Chadha and A Tandon), GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, 2013
  9. Community identity and skill mismatch: A study on Indian labour market (with Mukherjee, A.), Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, New Delhi, 2012.
  10. Trade Reforms and Gender Empowerment in India (with Paul, Sohini), 2010, presented at the Annual Conference of Canadian Economic Association, Quebec, 2010 and accepted for the Annual Meeting of American Economic Association, Atlanta, 2010.
  11. Distributional Effects of Tariff Reform in India, 2010, presented at the Annual Conference of Canadian Economic Association, Quebec, 2010.
  12. Inequality, Violence and Social Fragmentation in Emerging India, 2009, presented at the Annual Conference of Canadian Economic Association, Toronto, 2009.
  13. Changing Skill Intensity in Dynamic Sectors in India, 2008, presented at the Annual Conference of Canadian Economic Association, Vancouver, 2008.

Other papers (online archive)

  1. Adding Structure to Statistics: A Study on COVID-19 Dynamics in India (with Dixit, Arundhati and Vishnoi, Sarthak), medRxiv 2020.05.26.20113522;
  2. On monitoring development indicators using high resolution satellite images (with Potnuru Kishen Suraj, Ankesh Gupta, Makkunda Sharma, and Subhashis Banerjee) eprint arXiv:1712.02282. December 2017.
  3. India’s Transport Sectors: Fiscal Issues and Allocative Efficiency (2013). (with Chadha, Rajesh and Tan- don, Anjali), Available at SSRN: 

Castes and Labor Mobility (with Hnatkovska, V. and Lahiri, A.), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April, 2012; 4(2): 274-307.

Breaking the Caste Barrier: Intergenerational Mobility in India (with Hnatkovska, V. and Lahiri, A.), Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2013; 48(2):435-473.



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