Sai Chand

Sai's primary research interests include the applications of pervasive traffic data for transport planning and traffic management, safety analysis, autonomous vehicles, and building strategic regional transport network planning models. He has developed traffic and safety management strategies for several cities such as Sydney, Thane, New Delhi, Bandung, Cirebon, Muscat, and Hyderabad. He has authored more than 40 journal and conference papers with presentations in the US, Australia, India, and Hong Kong. Besides, he has experience teaching large undergraduate courses (more than 400 students in a class) at UNSW Sydney. He completed his PhD in 2019 at UNSW, Master of Technology (Transportation) in 2014 at IIT Roorkee and Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) in 2011 at the College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.



Ph.D. Transportation Engineering
The University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia)2019
M.Tech.Transportation Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee, India)
B.E. Civil EngineeringCollege of Engineering, Andhra University (Visakhapatnam, India) 
Professional Experience
  • May 2022 - Current: Assistant Professor, Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIPC) , IIT Delhi.
  • Mar 2021 – April 2022: Adjunct Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Associate, UNSW Sydney.
  • Mar 2018 – Mar 2021: Research Associate, UNSW Sydney.
  • Aug 2014 – Mar 2018: Research Assistant, UNSW Sydney.
  • Feb 2015 – Nov 2017: Casual Academic, UNSW Sydney.
  • Jul 2012 - Jun 2014: Research Assistant, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), India.

Key Areas of Interest

The current research interests include but are not limited to the following topics:
  • Transport network modelling.
  • Reliability and highway safety with a major emphasis on data-driven approaches.
  • Application of pervasive traffic data for transport planning and traffic management.
  • Transport system safety analysis and incident management.
  • Examining human behaviour in the context of autonomous vehicles.
  • Strategic regional transport network planning applications.
  • Developing simulation models for traffic evaluation.



1. Chand, S., Li, Z., Alsultan, A. and Dixit, V.V., 2022. Comparing and Contrasting the Impacts of Macro Level Factors on Crash Duration and Frequency. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), p.5726.

2. Chand, S., Yee, E., Alsultan, A., Dixit, V., 2021. A descriptive analysis on the impact of Covid-19lockdowns on road traffic incidents in Sydney, Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 18 (21). {Q1, SJR: 0.747}

3. Sinha, A., Chand, S., Vu, V., Chen, H., Dixit, V., 2021. Crash and Disengagement Data of Autonomous Vehicles on Public Roads in California. Nature Scientific Data. Vol. 8 (298). {Q1, SJR: 2.565}

4. Waller, S.T., Chand, S., Zlojutro, A., Nair, D., Niu, C., Zhang, X., Dixit, V., 2021. Rapidex: A novel tool for determining origin-destination trips using pervasive traffic data. Sustainability. Vol. 13 (20). {Q1,SJR:0.612}

5. Sinha, A., Bassil, D., Chand, S., Virdi, N., Dixit, V., 2021. Impact of connected automated buses in a mixed fleet scenario with connected automated cars. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. {Q1, SJR: 1.591}

6. Sinha, A., Vu, V., Chand, S., Wijayaratna, K., Dixit, V., 2021. A crash injury model involving autonomous vehicles: Investigating of crash and disengagement reports. Sustainability. Vol. 13 (14). {Q1,SJR:0.612}

9. Chand, S., Moylan, E., Waller, S. T., Dixit, V., 2020. Analysis of vehicle breakdown frequency: A case study of New South Wales, Australia. Sustainability. Vol. 12 (19). {Q1, SJR:0.612}Page 3

11. Sinha, A., Chand, S., Virdi, N., Wijayaratna, K., Dixit, V., 2020. Crash severity and rate evaluation of conventional vehicles in mixed fleets with connected and autonomous vehicles. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 170, pp 688-695. {Q2, SJR:0.334}

12. Dixit, V., Nair, D.J., Chand, S., Levin, M.W., 2020. A simple crowdsourced delay-based traffic signal control. PLoS One, 15(4), p.e0230598. {Q1, SJR:0.99}

13. Wijayaratna, K.P., Cunningham, M.L., Regan, M.A., Jian, S., Chand, S., Dixit, V.V., 2019. Mobile phone conversation distraction: Understanding differences in impact between simulator and naturalistic driving studies. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 129, pp 108-118. {Q1, SJR:1.816}

14. Nair D.J., Gilles F., Chand S., Saxena N., Dixit, V.V., 2019. Characterising multicity urban traffic conditions using crowdsourced data. PLOS ONE, Vol. 14 (3). {Q1, SJR:0.99}

15. Chand, S., Dixit, V.V., 2018. Application of Fractal theory for crash rate prediction: Insights from Random parameters and Latent class Tobit models. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 112, pp 30-38. {Q1, SJR:1.816}

16. Moylan, E., Chand, S., Waller, S. T., 2018. A framework for estimating the impact of camera based ITS technology on incident duration. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the TransportationResearch Board 2672 (19), pp 25-33. {Q2, SJR:0.624}

17. Chand, S., Aouad, G., Dixit, V.V., 2017. Long-range dependence of traffic flow and speed of a motorway: Dynamics and correlation with historical incidents. Transportation Research Record:Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2616, pp 49-57. {Q2, SJR:0.624}

18. Pande, A., Chand, S., Saxena, N., Dixit, V.V., Loy, J., Wolshon, B., Kent, J.D., 2017. A preliminary investigation of the relationships between historical crash and naturalistic driving. Accident Analysis &Prevention, Vol.101, pp 107-116. {Q1, SJR:1.816}

19. Chand, S., Chandra, S., 2017. Improper stopping of buses at curbside bus stops: Reasons and implications. Transportation in Developing Economies, Vol. 3 (5).

20. Dixit, V.V., Chand, S., Nair, D.J., 2016. Autonomous vehicles: Disengagements, accidents and reaction times. PLOS ONE, Vol. 11 (12). {Q1, SJR:0.99}

21. Chand, S., Dixit, V.V., Waller, S.T., 2016. Evaluation of fluctuating speed and lateral movement of vehicles: Comparison between mixed traffic and homogeneous traffic. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2581, pp 104–112. {Q2, SJR:0.624}

22. Duell, M., Saxena, N., Chand, S., Amini, N., Grzybowska, H., Waller, S.T., 2016. Deployment and calibration considerations for large-scale regional dynamic traffic assignment: Case study for Sydney, Australia. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2567, pp 78–86. {Q2, SJR:0.624}

23. Chand, S., Chandra, S., 2014. Impact of bus stop on urban traffic characteristics – A review of recent findings. Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS), Vol.5 (2), pp 57–72.

Under review

25. Chand, S., Li, Z., Alsultan, A., Dixit, V. Evaluation of the relationship between transport network structure and congestion.

26. Chand, S., Zlojutro, A., Lee, K., Dixit, V., Waller, S.T. A multi-city evaluation of transport network sustainability. Under preparation

Under preparation

27. Chand, S., Utilising pervasive traffic data to evaluate transport network resilience.

28. Chand, S., Alsultan, A., Dixit, V. Evaluating macro-level reliability using pervasive traffic data. Page 4

Full papers

2. Saxena, N., Wijayaratna, K., Wu, K., Chand, S., Zlojutro, A., Espada, I., Dixit, V., Karl, C., 2021. Modelling network-wide travel time variability: A case study. Accepted for a presentation at the Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Brisbane, Australia.

8. Chand, S., Dixit, V.V., 2018. Latent class Tobit modelling of crash rates. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA.

16. Chand, S., Dixit, V.V., 2015. Safety of passengers at curbside bus stops in a developing country. Presented at the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong

Extended Abstracts

3. Chand, S., Hassan, M.N., Rashidi, T.H., Dixit, V.V., 2016. Inappropriate stopping behaviour of bus drivers at curbside bus stops. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Brisbane, Australia.

4. Hassan, M.N., Chand, S., Rashidi, T.H., Dixit, V.V., 2016. Consequence of inappropriate stopping at bus stops: Decision making of the upstream motorists. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Brisbane, Australia.

5. Saxena, N., Chand, S., Duell, M., Waller, S.T., 2016. Bus dwell time prediction using proxy variables from a dynamic traffic assignment model. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), Sydney, Australia.

6. Chand, S., Saxena, N., Amini, N., Duell, M., Grzybowska, H., Waller, S.T., 2015. Regional dynamic traffic assignment model for Sydney: Lessons learnt in developing input data. Presented at the 37th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Sydney, Australia.

7. Chand, S., Chandra, S., 2014. Traffic flow analysis on 4-lane divided urban roads with bus stop. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.


1. Willingness to Pay: Stage 4 Road Reliability Measurement for incorporation into ATAP Guidelines.

2. Feasibility of Rapid Planning for Transport Infrastructure Evaluation.

3. Managing Traffic and Transport with Crowdsourced Data.

4. Research and Education in Traffic Engineering for Indonesia.

5. Traffic Modelling Services for Hi-Tech City in Hyderabad.

6. Traffic Modelling Services for Muscat City.

7. Evaluation of Transport Networks Using Crowdsourced Traffic Data.

8. Nudging Strategies for Non-Pricing Transport Demand Management.

9. Mobile Phone Distractions.

10. A Collaboration to Develop and Deploy Novel Integrated Network Techniques to Enhance the NSW Transport System.

11. Understanding the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Driver Behaviour.


Doctor of Philosophy

1. Sinha, A., 2021. Safety of Autonomous Driving Systems.

2. Piyush Purshottam Lalwani - Present.

3. Mehrab Nazir - Present.

Master of Engineering

1. Njoteah, C. N., 2020. Fractal analysis of city-structure.

2. Li, P., 2020. Application of chaos theory for modelling motorway traffic dynamics.

3. Chen, H., 2019. Examining driver behaviour in the context of autonomous vehicles.

4. Liu, T., 2019. Using crowdsourced traffic data for predicting crashes.

5. Zhang, X., 2019. Factors affecting the duration of vehicle breakdowns.

6. Li, Q., 2019. Analysing trends in air travel in Australia. 7. Zhao, T., 2018. The application of entropy in motorway travel speed data analysis.

Bachelor of Engineering

1. Samaranayake, S., 2022. Assessing the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles on travel time reliability.

2. Lee, K., 2021. Evaluation of transport equity.

3. Yee, E., 2021. Impact of Covid-19 on road safety.

4. Shiu, J., 2021. The impacts of zonal configuration on the accuracy of traffic assignment results.

5. Vu, V., 2020. Analysing the trends in disengagement and crashes involving autonomous vehicles.

6. Boparoy, J., 2020. Modelling resiliency of transportation networks using crowdsourced data.

7. Bassil, D., 2020. Modelling the safety and performance impacts of autonomous buses and cars using microsimulation.

8. Li, Z., 2020. Analysis of the impacts of macro-level factors on traffic incident frequency and duration.

9. Wen, J., 2020. Analysis of transport network structure and travel time reliability.

10. Gu, C., 2019. Assessing traffic congestion patterns using crowdsourced data.

11. Chou, K., 2017. Socioeconomic equity impacts of incident duration on NSW Roads


Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre

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