Rahul Goel

Rahul Goel was a Research associate with the Public Health Modelling group at CEDAR, who left the Unit in June 2019. Rahul completed his PhD at the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. With a transport planning background, Rahul developed methods of data collection and modelling to estimate public health burden of transport.

With Delhi as a case study, his main thesis outputs include a) data collection and statistical methods to estimate vehicular characteristics of on-road modes, b) dynamic bottom-up traffic emission inventory model, c) on-road exposure of PM2.5 pollution in 11 transport modes in Delhi, and d) space-time integrated PM2.5 exposure assessment at population level. Rahul is currently working on TIGTHAT project, which will lay the scientific foundations of a health impact assessment tool that will estimate health impacts of transport choices applicable in a wide variety of urban settings around the world. Within this project, he is a) testing the use of Google Street View to estimate travel patterns, b) analysing road traffic injuries in low- and middle-income settings, and their association with travel patterns, and c) studying how cycling behaviour varies across cities in the world.   



Ph. D.

Transportation Engineering

Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India



Transportation Engineering

Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA 


B. Tech.

Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India


Professional Experience 

    April 2022- Present: Assistant Professor Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India.

    May 2021 – April 2022: Visiting faculty Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India.

    May 2017 – May 2021: Research Associate Public Health Modelling Group, MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.

    2015-2017: Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Gautambudh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India.

    2011 – 2015: Research Associate, Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.

    Jan – Jul 2011: Transport Simulation Engineer, Medulla-Soft Technologies Private Limited, New Delhi, India.

    May – Dec 2010: Senior Research Fellow, Center for Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

    2008 – 2010: Graduate Research Assistant, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.


    Journal Publications 

    1) Verma, A. Upadhyay D. & Goel, R. (2011). An integrated approach for optimal rail transit corridor identification and scheduling using geographical information system, Journal of King Saud University Science, Elsevier, Vol. 23, No.3, 255–271.

    2) Goel, R. & Burris, M. (2012). HOT lane policies and their implications, Transportation, Springer, Vol. 39, 1019-1033.

    3) Verma, A. & Goel, R. (2013). Combined model for feeder route generation and schedule within an integrated mass transit planning framework. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Vol. 37, No.1, 54-74.

    4) Tiwari, G. & Goel, R. (2013). Metro Rail in Indian Cities: Feasibility and Impacts. Shelter, Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd, New Delhi, India, Vol. 14, No. 2, 14-22

    5) Guttikunda, S. K. & Goel, R. (2013). Health impacts of particulate pollution in a megacity—Delhi, India. Environmental Development, Vol. 6, 8-20. Awarded best research paper certificate by the journal.

    6) Guttikunda, S. K. Goel, R. & Pant, P. (2014). Nature of air pollution, emission sources, and management in the Indian cities. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 95, 501-510.

    7) Guttikunda, S. K. Goel, R. Mohan, D. Tiwari, G. & Gadepally, R. (2014). Particulate and gaseous emissions in two coastal cities— Chennai and Visakhapatnam, India. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. Vol.8 (6), 559-572.

    8) Goel, R. Guttikunda, S. K. Mohan, D. & Tiwari, G. (2015). Benchmarking vehicle and passenger travel characteristics in Delhi for on-road emissions analysis. Travel Behavior and Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, 88-101.

    9) Goel, R. & Guttikunda, S. K. (2015). Evolution of on-road vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi. Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 105, 78-90.

    10) Goel, R. & Guttikunda, S. K. (2015). The role of urban growth, technology, and judicial interventions on vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi for 1991-2014 and 2014-2030 periods. Environmental Development, Vol. 105, 78-90.

    11) Goel, R. Mohan, D. Guttikunda, S. K. & Tiwari, G (2015). Assessment of motor vehicle use characteristics in three Indian cities, Transportation Research Part-D, Vol. 44, 254-265.

    12) Pant, P. Baker, S.J. Goel, R. Guttikunda, S.K. Goel, A. Shukla, A. & Harrison, R.M. (2015). Analysis of size-segregated winter season aerosol data from New Delhi, India. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 7(1), 100-109.

    13) Goel, R. Gani, S. Wilson, D. Guttikunda, S.K. & Tiwari, G. (2015). On-road exposure of fine particulate matter in multiple transport micro-environments in Delhi. Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 123 (A), 129-138.

    14) Goel, R. & Tiwari, G. (2015). Access-egress and other travel characteristics of metro users in Delhi and its satellite cities. IATSS Research, 39(2), 164-172.

    15) Goel, R. & Pant, P. (2016). Vehicular pollution mitigation policies in Delhi. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 51 (9), 41-45.

    16) Mohan, D. Tiwari, G., Goel, R. & Lahkar, P. (2017). Evaluation of the odd-even day traffic restriction experiments in Delhi, India. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol 2627(1), 9-16.

    17) Goel, R. Jain, P. & Tiwari, G. (2018).Correlates of fatality risk of vulnerable road users in Delhi. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 111, 86-93.

    18) Aldred, R. Goel, R. Woodcock, J. & Goodman, A. (2018). Contextualising Safety in Numbers: a longitudinal investigation into change in cycling safety in Britain, 1991–2001 and 2001–2011. Injury Prevention, Vol 25(3), 236-241.

    19) Goel, R. (2018). Distance-decay functions of travel to work trips in India. Data in Brief. Vol 21, 50-58.

    20) Goel, R. (2018). Modelling of road traffic fatalities in India. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol 112, 105-115.

    21) Goel, R. Garcia, L.M.T. Goodman, A. Johnson, R. Aldred, R. Murugesan, M. Brage, S. Bhalla, K. Woodcock, J.  (2018). Estimating city-level travel physical activity and motor vehicle volume using Google Street View (GSV) — a case study of Great Britain. Plos one, Vol 13(5): e0196521.

    22) Elvik, R. Goel, R.(2019). Safety-in-numbers: An updated meta-analysis of estimates. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 129, 136-147.

    23) Goel, R. Mohan, D. (2020). Investigating the association between population density and travel patterns in Indian cities—An analysis of 2011 census data. Cities, Vol 100.

    24) Goel, R. Miranda, J. J., Gouveia, N., & Woodcock, J. (2020). Using satellite imagery to estimate heavy vehicle volume for ecological injury analysis in India. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 1-10.

    25) Goel, R. (2021). A new model to estimate pedestrian deaths from speed-related interventions. Traffic injury prevention, Vol 22 (4), 330-335.

    26) Goel, R. Goodman, A. Aldred, R. Nakamura, R. Tatah, L. Garcia, L.M.T., Zapata-Diomedi, B. De Sa, T.H., Tiwari, G. De Nazelle, A. Tainio, M. Buehler, R. Götschi, T. & Woodcock, J (2021). Cycling behaviour in 17 countries across 6 continents: levels of cycling, who cycles, for what purpose, and how far? Transport Reviews.

    27) Mohan, D. Goel, R. (2021). What and how of effective police enforcement (pp. 85-103). In Tiwari, G. Mohan, D. (Eds.) Transport and Safety: Systems, approaches, and implementation, Springer.

    28) Garcia, L. Johnson, R. Johnson, A. Abbas, A. Goel, R. Tatah, L. Demesere-Derry, J. Kyere-Gyeabour, E. Tainio, M. Hérick de Sá, T. & Woodcock, J. (2021). Health impacts of changes in travel patterns in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. Environmental International, Vol 155 (10.1016/j.envint.2021.106680).

    29) Salvo, D. Garcia, L. Reis, R.S. Stankov, I. Goel, R. Schipperijn, J. Hallal, P.C. Ding, D. and Pratt, M. (2021). Physical Activity Promotion and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Building Synergies to Maximize Impact. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. (10.1123/jpah.2021-0413)

    30) Thondoo, M., Goel, R., Tatah, L., Naraynen, N., Woodcock, J., & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (2021). The Built Environment and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a Review on Quantitative Health Impact Assessments. Current Environmental Health Reports. doi.org/10.1007/s40572-021-00324-6

    31) Jackson, C. Johnson, R. de Nazelle, A. Goel, R. de Sa, T. Tainio, M., & Woodcock, J. (2019). A guide to Value of Information methods for prioritising research in health impact modelling. Epidemiologic Methods.

    32) Goel, R., Oyebode, O., Foley, L., Tatah, L., Millett, C., & Woodcock, J. (2022). Gender differences inactive travel in major cities across the world. Transportation https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-021-10259-4.

    33) Goel, R., Mohan, D., Saini, G., Jha, A., Tiwari, G., & Bhalla, K. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of curbs on crash outcomes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 1-6.

    34) Heydari, S. Asgharian, M. Kelly, F. J. & Goel, R. (2022). Potential Health Benefits of Eliminating Traffic Emissions in Urban Areas. Plos One. 17 (3).

    35) Goel, R. Guttikunda, S. & Tiwari, G. (2022). Health modelling of transport in low-and-middle income countries—a case study of New Delhi, India. Active travel studies. 2 (1). https://doi.org/10.16997/ats.1231.

    36) Tatah, L., Pearce, M., Goel, R., Brage, S., Woodcock, J., & Dake, F. A. (2022). Physical Activity Behaviour and Comparison of GPAQ and Travel Diary Transport-Related Physical Activity in Accra, Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7346.


    1. Mohan, D. & Goel, R. (2019). Effective police enforcement: what works.  International Symposium on Safety of Vulnerable Road Users, 2019 Changsha, China. Changsha, China: ICoRSI, 273-285.

    2. Goel, R. (2018). Using imagery data to assess travel patterns and motor vehicle use, 15th World Conference on Transportation Research, Mumbai, India. 

    3. Goel, R. (2019). Who hits whom? A city-level study of traffic fatalities covering low, middle and high-income settings. 15th World Conference on Transportation Research, Mumbai, India.   

    4. Goel, R. (2018). Estimating city-level travel patterns using street imagery: a case study of using Google Street View in Britain, 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK. 

    5. Goel, R. (2018). Who hits who? A city-level study of traffic fatalities covering low, middle and high-income settings, 3rd Meeting of the Safer City Streets Network, Rome, Italy. 

    6. Goel, R. (2018). Estimating city-level travel patterns using street imagery: a case study of using Google Street View in Britain, 3rd Meeting of the Safer City Streets Network, Rome, Italy. 

    7. Goel, R., Totaro Garcia, L. M., Bhalla, K., Brage, S., Gouveia, N., Miranda, J., . . . Woodcock, J. (2017). Towards an Integrated Global Transport and Health Assessment Tool (TIGTHAT). Poster session presented at the meeting of Big Data, Small Area Symposium, London.

    8. Goel, R., Totaro Garcia, L. M., Bhalla, K., Brage, S., Gouveia, N., Miranda, J., . . . Woodcock, J. (2017). Towards an Integrated Global Transport and Health Assessment Tool (TIGTHAT). Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference of Transport & Health 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

    9. Goel, R., Guttikunda, S., & Tiwari, G. (2017). Public Health Burden of Transport in Delhi. In Journal of Transport & Health Vol. 5 (pp. S57). doi:10.1016/j.jth.2017.05.350.

    10. Goel, R. (2016). Assessment of vehicular characteristics for emission analysis in Indian cities, Workshop on Improving inspection and maintenance systems for vehicles in India organised by TERI, New Delhi, India. 


    1. Goel, R. (2018). Using imagery data to assess travel patterns and motor vehicle use, Workshop on Using images at scale to understand environments and behaviours organized by Cambridge Digital Humanities, University of Cambridge, UK.

    2. Goel, R. (2018). Modelling Health Impacts of Transport, Centre For Transport Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa. 
    3. Goel, R. (2018). Area level harmonization of data. Workshop on using existing data for a better future—opportunities and challenges of harmonizing activity data, Cambridge, UK. 
    4. Goel, R. (2018). Health impact modelling of transport scenarios, Bloomberg Cities Exchange, Rome, Italy. 
    5. Goel, R. (2016). Assessment of vehicular characteristics for emission analysis in Indian cities, Workshop on Improving inspection and maintenance systems for vehicles in India organised by TERI, New Delhi, India. 
    6. Goel, R. (2016). Revisiting safety-in-numbers for cyclists using longitudinal data, MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, UK
    7. Goel, R. & Pathak, P. (2016). Using digital technologies integrated with geographic information in exploring transportation systems within National Capital Region of Delhi (NCR), Indo-Taiwan joint workshop on ‘Digital Technologies on Societal Use’.
    8. Goel, R. (2015). Health Burden of Urban Transport in Delhi, Public Health Foundation of India, Gurgaon. 
    9. Goel, R. (2015). Road transport in Delhi: Characteristics, population exposure and emission trends, Integrated Research for Action and Development (IRADe), New Delhi.
    10. Goel, R. (2015). Road transport in Delhi: Characteristics, population exposure and emission trends, Centre for Development Economics and Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics


    Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre


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