
Electric Vehicles, E-mobility, Transportation Network Analysis, Transportation Logistics and Optimization, Traffic Operations, Intelligent Transportation Systems


Journal Publications

  1. A. NP Koushik, M. Manoj, N. Nezamuddin. Machine Learning Applications in Activity-travel Behaviour Research: A Review. Transport Reviews, 40(3):288-311, 2020

  2. V. Mishra, R. Ahuja, N. Nezamuddin, G. Tiwari and K. Bhalla. Strengthening the Capacity of Emergency Medical Services in Low and Middle Income Countries using Dispatcher-Coordinated Taxis. Transportation Research Record, 2674(9):338-345, 2020

  3. S. Wajid, N. Nezamuddin and A. Unnikrishnan. Optimizing Ambulance Locations for Coverage Enhancement of Accident Sites in South Delhi. Transportation Research Procedia, 48:280-289, 2020

  4. R. Shah, N. Nezamuddin, and M.W. Levin. Supply-side Network Effects on Mobile-source Emissions. Transport Policy, 98:21-24, 2020

  5. N. Nezamuddin and S. Boyles. A Continuous Dynamic User Equilibrium Algorithm Using the Link Transmission Model. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(3):465-483, 2015

  6. M. Levin, S. Boyles and N. Nezamuddin. Warm-starting Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Static Solutions. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 3(2):99-113, 2015

  7. J. Yu, A. Pande, N. Nezamuddin, F. Edwards and V. Dixit. Routing Strategies for Emergency Management Decision Support Systems during Evacuation. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 6(3):257-273, 2014

  8. N. Nezamuddin, J. Crunkleton, P. J. Tarnoff and S. T. Waller. Speed Distribution Profile of Traffic Data and Sample Size Estimation. Traffic Engineering and Control, 51(4):147-152, 2010

  9. N. Nezamuddin and H. Al-Deek. Developing Microscopic Toll Plaza and Toll Road Corridor Model with PARAMICS. Transportation Research Record, 2047:100-110, 2008

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. A. Pande, N. Nezamuddin and V. Dixit. Preliminary Exploration of Braesss Paradox as a Threshold Concept in Transportation Engineering: Lessons from Literature and High School Outreach Sessions. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, January 2016, Washington, DC.

  2. N. Nezamuddin, S. Carney and A. Pande. Severity Analysis of Mid-block Pedestrian-motorist Crashes in Los Angeles County Using Latent Class. 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, October 2015, Orlando, FL.

  3. N. Nezamuddin, R. Saline, J. Wolfgram and A. Pande. Microscopic Simulation and Safety Analysis of Roundabouts. 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, October 2015, Orlando, FL.

  4. A. Pande, N. Nezamuddin and C. Nuworsoo. Workforce of the Future: Ideas for Improving K-12 Outreach by Transportation Engineering Educators through Near-Peer Involvement and Leveraging Contextual Exposure. 121st American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2014, Indianapolis, IN.

  5. R. Shah and N. Nezamuddin. Custom-Domain Emissions Modeling and Comparison with Disaggregated County-Level Modeling Insights from the Austin Metropolitan Area. 2014 Transportation, Land Use Planning and Air Quality Conference, March 2014, Charlotte, NC.

  6. A. Pande, N. Nezamuddin, J. Loy and A. Das. Understanding Characteristics of Severe Crashes by Examining Patterns in Latent Classes. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, January 2014, Washington, DC.

  7. N. Nezamuddin and S. Boyles. A Continuous Dynamic User Equilibrium Algorithm Using the Link Transmission Model. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, June 2012, Martha's Vineyard, MA.

  8. N. Nezamuddin and S. T. Waller. Improving the Efficiency of Dynamic Traffic Assignment through Computational Methods Based on Combinatorial Algorithm. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, January 2012, Washington, DC.

  9. N. Nezamuddin, D. Fajardo and S. T. Waller. Combinatorial Algorithm and Warm Start Method for Dynamic Traffic Assignment. Proceedings of the 14th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 2011, Washington, DC. (Invited Paper)

  10. N. Nezamuddin, N. Jiang, J. Ma, T. Zhang and S. T. Waller. Active Traffic Management Strategies: Implications for Freeway Operations and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, January 2011, Washington, DC.

  11. M. Levin, R. Kumar, N. Nezamuddin, N. Ruiz-Juri and S. T. Waller. Utilizing a Static-based Initial Feasible Solution to Expedite the Convergence of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problems. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, January 2011, Washington, DC.

  12. N. Nezamuddin, J. Crunkleton and P. J. Tarnoff. Speed Distribution Profile of Traffic Data and Sample Size Estimation. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, January 2009, Washington, DC.

  13. N. Nezamuddin, J. Crunkleton and P. J. Tarnoff. Statistical Patterns of Traffic Data and Sample Size Estimation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, May 2008, Athens, Greece.

  14. N. Nezamuddin and H. Al-Deek. Developing Microscopic Toll Plaza and Toll Road Corridor Model with PARAMICS. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, January 2008, Washington, DC.

  15. H. Al-Deek and N. Nezamuddin. Microscopic Toll Plaza Model: Development, Calibration and Transferability. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Services, October 2006, London, United Kingdom.

  16. H. Al-Deek and N. Nezamuddin. Developing Microscopic Integrated Freeway-Toll Plaza Model. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, August 2006, Chicago, USA, pp. 430-436.


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