N. Chatterjee

Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Fuzzy and Rough Sets, Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling
Dr. Niladri Chatterjee is a Professor of Computer Science & Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi. His primary research areas are Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Statistical Modeling, Mathematical Reasoning, Rough Sets. His association with IIT Delhi is of 22 years. Before that, he had worked as a Lecturer in the Dept. of Computer science, University of London, and a Computer Engineer (Software) at Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. In between he has been a Visiting Professor in Dipartimento di Informatica Department of Informatics) University of Pisa, Italy. He possesses B.Stat and M.Stat degrees from Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. He also did his M.Tech in Computer science from the same institute and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of London. He has written more than 100 papers in international and national journals and conferences. He received the "Best Paper" award in CICLING-conference, Haifa, Israel; and also received the “ Best Paper” award and the Raizada memorial shield by Computer Society of India. He is also the recipient of UNDP scholarship for month-long training in INRIA France. He is also the recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship of the British Council.
He is a member of the National Standardization Committee for Artificial Intelligence, Bureau of India Standards Gov. Of India. He is also a research committee chair of the school of Information technology at IIT Delhi. He is also a member of the core committee of Forthcoming Centre of excellence AI and ML, IIT Delhi.
He has supervised 10 Ph.D. thesis and more than 100 Master thesis. Currently, seven students are working for their PhDs under his supervision. He is a regular reviewer of Computer Speech and Language (Elsevier), TALLIP (ACM) Springer, Pattern Recognition Letters, Defence Science Journal among others. He is currently the PI of several Govt. And industrial projects.


  1. Aayush Singha Roy and Niladri Chatterjee. Forecasting of Indian stock market using Rough Set and Fuzzy-Rough Set based Models. IETE Technical Review. Taylor and Francis. Impact Factor 2.175. [link]

  2. Kartikay Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Stocks Recommendation from Large Datasets using Important Company and Economic Indicators. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Springer. [link]

  3. Alok Nikhil Jha, Niladri Chatterjee, Geetam Tiwari. A Performance Analysis of Prediction Techniques for Impacting Vehicles in Hit-and-Run Road Accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier, Vol. 157, 106164, 2021 Impact Factor: 4.993. [link]

  4. Kartikay Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Selecting stock pairs for pairs trading while incorporating lead-lag relationship. Physica A, Statistical Methods and Applications, 551, pp 1 – 16, 2020 Impact Factor: 2.5. [link]

  5. Sahil Bhatnagar and Niladri Chatterjee. Neural Machine Translation of Hindi and English. LKE-2019. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. IOS Press. Accepted on September 9, 2019. Impact Factor: 1.637. [link]

  6. Nidhika Yadav and Niladri Chatterjee. Rough Sets based Span and its Application to Extractive Text Summarization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. IOS Press. Vol 37, pp 4299-4309, 2019. Impact Factor: 1.637. [link]

  7. Kartikay Gupta, Aayushi Khajuria, Niladri Chatterjee, Pradeep Joshi, Deepak Joshi, Rule Based Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases using Data Driven Gait Features. Health and Technology, Springer, Accepted 30-10-2018. [link]

  8. Nidhika Yadav and Niladri Chatterjee, Fuzzy Rough Set based Technique for User Specific Information Retrieval: A Case Study on Wikipedia Data. International Journal of Rough Set and Data Analysis, IGI Global, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 32- 47, 2018. [link]

  9. Niladri Chatterjee and Susmita Gupta, Efficient Phrase Table Pruning for Hindi to English machine translation through syntactic and marker-based filtering and hybrid similarity measurement. Natural Language Engineering, pp 1 – 40, 2018. [link]

  10. Renu Balyan and Niladri Chatterjee, Factor-based Evaluation of English to Hindi MT Outputs, Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer, pp 1- 28, 2018. [link]

  11. Niladri Chatterjee and NidhikaYadav, Fuzzy Rough Set Based Sentence Similarity Measure and Its Application to Text Summarization, IETE Technical Review,pp 1 - 9, 2018. [link]

  12. Anjali Singh and Niladri Chatterjee. Unsupervised Graph-based Discourse Planning and Generation. IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis, pp 1-8, 2018. [link]

  13. Kartikay Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Forecasting through Motifs discovered by Genetic Algorithms. IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis, 2018. [link]

  14. Niladri Chatterjee, Naha Kaushik and Bhavya Bansal: Inter-Subdomain Relation Extraction for Agriculture Domain. IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis. 2018. [link]

  15. Neha Kaushik and Niladri Chatterjee. Automatic Relationship Extraction from Agricultural Text for Ontology Construction. Information Processing in Agriculture, Elsevier, Vol 5, 2018, pp 60 – 73. [link]

  16. Suraiya Jabin, Niladri Chatterjee, Suos Samak, Kim Sokphyrum, Javier Sola. An Online English-Khmer hybrid Machine Translation System, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA), Vol 17, No.3, 2018, pp 293 - 309. [link]

  17. Susmita Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. A Hybrid Approach using Phrases and Rules for Hindi to English Machine Translation. International Journal of Natural Language Computing (IJNLC) Vol 6, No. 3, pp 57-73, 2017 [link]

  18. Renu Balyan and Niladri Chatterjee. Translating Noun Compounds Using Semantic Relations. Computer Speech and Languages, Elsevier Vol 32, 2015 pp 91- 108. [link]

  19. Niladri Chatterjee and. Random Indexing and Modified Random Indexing Based Approach for Extractive Text Summarization. Computer Speech and Languages, Elsevier. Vol 29, 2015 pp 32- 44. [link]

  20. Mariya Khatoon, Geetam Tiwari and Niladri Chatterjee. Binary Probabilistic Models for Pedestrians’ Crossing Behaviour and Risk at the Free Left Turn: Delhi, India. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies January 2014. [pdf]

  21. Niladri Chatterjee and Pramod K. Sahoo. Effect of Near-Orthogonality on Random Indexing Based Extractive Text Summarization. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies. Vol 3, No. 3, Pp 701 – 713, 2013. [pdf]

  22. Mariya Khatoon, Geetam Tiwari, Niladri Chatterjee. Impact of Grade Separator on Pedestrian Risk Taking Behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier, pp 861 – 870, 2012. [link]

  23. Khatoon, M., G. Tiwari and Niladri Chatterjee. Statistical Analysis to Measure Pedestrian Risk at foot of Flyover”, Urban Transport Research Journal 2011, Institute of Urban Transport, India, New Delhi, India. pp 35-43. [link]

  24. Niladri Chatterjee and Renu Balyan, Towards Development of a Suitable Evaluation Metric for English to Hindi Machine Translation, International Journal of Translation Vol 23, No. 1, pp 7 - 26, 2011. [link]

  25. Udit Gupta,Niladri Chatterjee, Geetam Tiwari and Joseph Fazio. Case Study of Pedestrian Risk Behavior and Survival Analysis. Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. Vol 8, pp 2095 – 2111, September 2010. [PDF]

  26. Geetam Tiwari, Joseph Fazio, Sushant Gaurav and Niladri Chatterjee: Continuity Equation Validation for Non-homogeneous Traffic. Journal of Transportation Engineering. ASCE, Vol 134, No. 3, pp 118-127, March 2008. [PDF]

  27. K.V. Krishna and Niladri Chatterjee.  Holonomy Decomposition of Seminearrings. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol 31, pp 1113 – 1122, 2007. [PDF]

  28. K. V. Krishna and Niladri Chatterjee: Representation of Near Semi-Rings and Approximation of their Categories. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol 31, pp 903 – 914, 2007. [PDF]

  29. K. V. Krishna and Niladri Chatterjee.  A Necessary Condition to Test the Minimality of Generalized Linear Sequential Machines Using the Theory of Near-Semirings. Algebra and Discrete Math., No. 3,  pp 1 – 16, 2005. [link]

  30. Shailly Goyal and Niladri Chatterjee.  Study of Hindi Noun Phrase Morphology for Developing a Link Grammar Based Parser. Languages in India, Vol. 5, 2005. [PDF]

  31. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Divergence in English to Hindi Translation: Some Studies. International Journal of Translation, Vol 15. No. 2, pp 5 – 24, 2003. [link]

  32. Niladri Chatterjee: A Case-Based Reasoning System for Calculation of Land Acquisition Compensation. CSI Communications, Vol 23, No. 9, pp 13 – 19, 2000.

  33. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Interpolation of Plans for Time-Critical Adaptation, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 12, Elsevier, pp 171 - 182, 1999.

  34. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Cashing in on Caching: An Architecture for Time-Bounded Knowledge-Based Problem Solving. Real-Time Systems, Vol 15, No. 3, Springer , pp 221 - 247, 1998. [PDF]

  35. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Knowledge Interpolation: A Simple Approach to Rapid Symbolic Reasoning. Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Vol 17 ( 6 ), pp 517 - 551, 1998. (Presently Called Computing and Informatics).

  36. A. Mukherjee, S.Acharya, Niladri Chatterjee and J.Das: A Network Based Approach for Uncertainty Management in Rule-based Decision Making. Neural Network World, No. 1/98, pp 81 - 97, 1998.

  37. Niladri Chatterjee, P.Pal and J.Das: Boundary Extraction from SODAR Images. Signal Processing, Vol 62, No. 2, Elsevier, pp 229 - 235, 1999.


  1. Niladri Chatterjee and Raksha Agarwal. DEPSYM: A Lightweight Syntactic Text Simplification Approach using Dependency Trees. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Current Trends in Text Simplification (CTTS 2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), pp 42-56.

  2. Raksha Agarwal and Niladri Chatterjee. Gradient Boosted Trees for Identifying Complex Words in Context. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Current Trends in Text Simplification (CTTS 2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), pp 12-28.

  3. Radha Mogla, C. Vasanthalaxmi and Niladri Chatterjee. Systematic Approach for English- Hindi Parallel Database Creation for Transliteration of General Domain English Words. 4th IEEE IAS GUCON 2021.

  4. Raksha Agarwal and Niladri Chatterjee. Linguistic Feature Based Modelling for Lexical Complexity. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021), pages 120–125Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5–6, 2021. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  5. Ankit Kumar, Naman Jhunjhunwala, Raksha Agarwal and Niladri Chatterjee. Identification of Misinformation in COVID-19 Tweets Using BERTweet. Proceedings of the 4th NLP4IF Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom, pages 99–103, ACL 2021.

  6. Raksha Agarwal and Niladri Chatterjee. Predicting Gaze Behaviour using Linguistic Features and Tree Regressors. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, pages 79–84, ACL 2021.

  7. Shivani Choudhary, Kushagri Tandon, Raksha Agarwal and Niladri Chatterjee. Prediction of Eye-Tracking Features using BERT Embeddings and Linguistic Features. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, pages 114–119. ACL.

  8. Raksha Agarwal, Ishaan Verma and Niladri Chatterjee. A Knowledge Induced Neural Net for Causality Detection. Proc. 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation, pages 33-39, ACL.

  9. Sahil Bhatnagar, Sagar Malik and Niladri Chatterjee: Emotion Analysis of Tweets Using Deep Learning Techniques. Proc. International Conferences Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, Eds Ajith P. Abraham and Jörg Roth, IADIS Digital Library, pp 69-76, 2019.

  10. Niladri Chatterjee. A Trie based model for SMS Text Normalization. Computing Conference, K. Arai et al. (Eds.): Comp Com 2019, AISC 997, pp. 846–859, 2019.

  11. Nidhika Yadav and Niladri Chatterjee: A*-Reduct: A Heuristic Rough Set based Feature Selection Algorithm and its Application to Text Summarization. Proceedings, ICDSMLA-2019, Springer, pp 239-245.

  12. Nidhika Yadav, Tanya Aggarwal and Niladri Chatterjee: Random Indexing and Centroid based Technique for Multi Document Summarization. Proceedings, ICDSMLA-2019, Springer, pp 246-252.

  13. Kartikay Gupta, Aayushi Khajuria, Deepak Joshi, and Niladri Chatterjee: Automatic Classification of Parkinson’s disease Based on Severity Estimation.. Proceedings, ICDSMLA-2019, Springer, pp 190-198, 2019.

  14. Jha AN, Tiwari G,Chatterjee N.: Data recording patterns and missing data in road crashes: case study of five indian cities Injury Prevention Vol 24:A195, 2018.

  15. Shreemoyee Dutta Choudhury, Soubhik Chakraborty and Niladri Chatterjee. Raga Identification in RabindraSangeet by using Motif Discovery. ICCI-2018, Springer ,pp 245-253.

  16. Niladri Chatterjee. A Trie based model for SMS Text Normalization. Computing Conference, London. (Accepted on 24-11-2018).

  17. Shreemoyee Dutta Choudhury, Soubhik Chakraborty and Niladri Chatterjee. Raga Identification in Rabindra Sangeet by using Motif Discovery. ICCI-2018, Springer , Accepted on 16-10-2018.

  18. Niladri Chatterjee and Nidhika Yadav. Hybrid Latent Semantic Analysis and Random Indexing Model and its Application to Text Summarization. In: Fong S., Akashe S., Mahalle P. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 40. Springer, Singapore DOI10.1007/978-981-13-0586-3, Pages 149 – 156, January 2019.

  19. Niladri Chatterjee, Gautam Jain, Gurkirat Singh Bajwa. Single Document Extractive Text Summarization using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Computing Conference 2018, London, IEEE, pp 203-212, 2018.

  20. Nidhika Yadav andNiladri Chatterjee. A Novel Approach for Feature Selection using Rough Set. Proceedings Comptelix-2017, IEEE Explore, pp 196 - 199, 2017.

  21. Niladri Chatterjee, Neha Kaushik, Deepali Gupta and Ramneek Bhatia. Ontology Merging: A Practical Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS) 2017 Ahmedabad, ( Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies ) SIST springer, 2017

  22. Kartikay Gupta, Niladri Chatterjee. Financial Time Series Clustering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS) 2017 Ahmedabad, ( Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies ) SIST Springer, 2017

  23. Neha Kaushik and Niladri Chatterjee. A Practical Approach for Term and Relationship Extraction for Automatic Ontology Creation from Agricultural Text. Proceedings ICIT – 2016, Bhubaneswar, IEEE Explore.

  24. Nidhika Yadav and Niladri Chatterjee. Text Summarization using Sentiment Analysis for DUC Data. Proceedings ICIT – 2016, Bhubaneswar, IEEE Explore.

  25. Nimit Bindal and Niladri Chatterjee, A Two-step Method for Sentiment Analysis of Tweets. Proceedings ICIT – 2016, Bhubaneswar, IEEE Explore.

  26. Niladri Chatterjee, Neha Kaushik, RENT: Regular Expression and NLP based Term Extraction Scheme for Agricultural Domain, First Int'l Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology, ICDECT -2016, Springer 2016.

  27. Shweta Karwa, Niladri Chatterjee,Discrete Differential Evolution for Text Summarization. Proc. ICIT-2014, IEEE Computer Society, pp 129-133, 2014.

  28. Yogesh Garg and Niladri Chatterjee, Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Feeds. Proceedings Third International Conference Big Data Analytics, LNCS - Springer, 2014, pp 33- 52.

  29. Niladri Chatterjee and Deepesh Bharani, Extractive Text Summarization using Randomized and Genetic Algorithms.pp 45 - 54 Proc. ICONACC 2014

  30. Niladri Chatterjee and Susmita Gupta, A Hybrid Approach using Phrases and Rules for Hindi to English Machine Translation. pp 1-8, Proc. ICONACC 2014

  31. Nidhika Yadav and Niladri Chatterjee, Text Summarization using RoughSets, pp 9 - 16, Proc. ICONACC 2014

  32. Umang Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Personality Traits Identification Using Rough Sets Based Machine Learning. Proceedings of ISCBI13, IEEE CS Press, pp 182-185, 2013

  33. Renu Balyan, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Antonio Toral and Niladri Chatterjee, A Diagnostic Evaluation Approach for English to Hindi MT Using Linguistic Checkpoints and Error Rates. Proc. of CICLing 2013, Part II, LNCS 7817 , pp. 285- 296. Samos, Greece. , 2013.

  34. Mariya Khatoon, Geetam Tiwari, Niladri Chatterjee, Modeling of Pedestrian Unsafe Road Crossing Behavior: Comparison at Signalized and Nonsignalized Crosswalks”  TRB (Transportation research board) 92nd Annual Conference, January 13-17, 2013, Washington, DC.

  35. Renu Balyan, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Antonio Toral and Niladri Chatterjee. A Diagnostic Evaluation Approach Targeting MT Systems for Indian Languages. Proc. COLING Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian Languages (MTPIL-2012), pp. 61–72, Mumbai, 2012

  36. Niladri Chatterjee, Amol Mittal and Shubham Goyal. Single Document Extractive Text Summarization using Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Third International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), Elsevier, pp 19 – 23, 2012.

  37. Niladri Chatterjee and Renu Balyan, Context Resolution of Verb Particle Constructions for English to Hindi Translation. PACLIC 2011, pp 140-149, Singapore, 2011.

  38. Niladri Chatterjee and Renu Balyan, English to Bangla Machine Translation: Towards Developing a suitable Evaluation Metric. Proc. ICCPB-2011, Independent University, Bangladesh, pp 5 - 9, 2011.

  39. Rohit Misra and Niladri Chatterjee. Effect of Window Size on Word Sense Disambiguation using Maximum Entropy Model with Fuzzy Features, ICON-2010, MacMilan Publishers, India Ltd. pp 276 – 281, 2010.

  40. Hisham Kholidy and Niladri Chatterjee. Towards Developing an Arabic Word Alignment Annotation Tool with some Arabic Alignment Guidelines. Proc. ISDA 2010, Cairo, Egypt, 2010, IEEE Publishers, pp. 778 – 783. 2010.

  41. Niladri Chatterjee and Avikant Bhardwaj. Single Document Text Summarization Using Random Indexing and Neural Networks. Proc. KEOD 2010, Valencia, Spain, SciTePress, pp 171 – 176, 2010.

  42. Niladri Chatterjee, Saroj Kaushik, Smit Rastogi and Varun Dua. Automatic Email Classification using User Preference Ontology. Proc. KEOD 2010, Valencia, Spain, SciTePress, pp 165 – 170, 2010.

  43. Niladri Chatterjee and Nishant Agarwal. Ranking Products through Interpretations of Blogs Based on User’s Query. Proc. International Conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science (ICM2C09), IEEE Explorer, pp 204 – 209, 2009.

  44. Niladri Chatterjee and Rohit Mishra. Word-Sense Disambiguation using Maximum Entropy Model.Proc. International Conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science (ICM2C09), pp 154 – 158, 2009.

  45. Niladri Chatterjee, Sumit Bisai and Prasenjit Chakraborty. Ranking of Products through Blog Analysis. Proc. 1st IHCI-2009, IIIT Allahabad, India, Springer, pp 246 -253, 2009.

  46. A. Kirmani, N. Goela, Niladri Chatterjee, B. Vigoda. A Message Passing Algorithm for Active Contours. Proc. ICASSP-2008, Las Vegas, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 2089-2092, 2008.

  47. Niladri Chatterjee and Shiwali Mohan. Discovering Word Senses from Text Using Random Indexing. Proc. CICLING-2008, Haifa, Israel, Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, LNCS 4919, Ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer, pp 299 – 310, 2008.

  48. Manjeet Singh, Niladri Chatterjee and Geetam Tiwari. Analyssis of pedestrian Behaviour while Crossing Roads at Signalised Intersections. Proc. CBRI Diamond jubilee Year Conference, CBRI Roorkee, pp 554 – 562, 2008.

  49. Niladri Chatterjee and Shiwali Mohan. Extraction-Based single Document Summarization using Random Indexing. Proc. 19th IEEE ICTAI-2007, Patras, Greece, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, pp 448 – 455.

  50. Niladri Chatterjee, Anish Johnson and Madhav Krishna. Some Improvements over the BLEU Metric for Measuring Translation Quality for Hindi. Proc. ICCTA, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, pp. 485 – 490.

  51. Niladri Chatterjee and Shailly Goyal. An Example Based Approach for Parsing Natural language Sentences. Proc. ICCTA, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, pp. 451 – 456

  52. Niladri Chatterjeeand Madhav Krishna. Semantic Integration of heterogeneous databases on the Web. Proc. ICCTA, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, pp. 325 – 329.

  53. Niladri Chatterjee and S. Agarwal: Word Alignment in English-Hindi Parallel Corpus Using Recency-Vector Approach: Some Studies. COLING-ACL 2006, pp 649 – 656.

  54. Shailly Goyal and Niladri Chatterjee.  Parsing Aligned Parallel Corpus by Projecting Syntactic Relations from Annotated Source Corpus. COLING-ACL, 2006, pp 301 – 308.

  55. Niladri Chatterjee.  Towards Developing a Link Grammar Based Parser for Hindi. Symposium on Modeling and Shallow Parsing of Indian Languages, IIT Bombay, March-April, 2006, pp 219 – 226

  56. Shailly Goyal and Niladri Chatterjee.  A Scheme for Using Annotated English Complex Sentences to Parse Parallel Hindi Corpus. Symposium on Modeling and Shallow Parsing of Indian Languages, IIT Bombay, March-April 2006. pp 211 - 218.

  57. Niladri Chatterjee, Shailly Goyal and Anjali Naithani: Pattern Ambiguity and its Resolution in English to Hindi Translation, in the proceedings of International Conference "Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing-2005", ISBN: 954-91743-3-6, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2005, pp 152 – 156.

  58. Niladri Chatterjee, Shailly Goyal and Anjali Naithani: Resolving Pattern Ambiguity for English to Hindi Translation Using WordNet. Proceedings of International Workshop on Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies, European Association for Machine Translation, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2005, pp 18 – 25.

  59. Niladri Chatterjee. Pattern Ambiguity in English to Bangla Translation: A Case Study with “Have” as the MaiN Verb. Proc. NCCPB-05, Independent University Bangladesh, ISBN: 984-32-1983-2, pp: 76 –83, 2005.

  60. S. Goyal, D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. A Study of Hindi Translation Patterns of English Sentences with “Have” as the Main Verb. Proc. International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and TSS. Tata-McGraw-Hill, pp 40- 45, 2004.

  61. A. Wadia and Niladri Chatterjee: Handling Partially Achieved Goals in Planning. Proc. First Indian International Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-03), Hyderabad, 18-20, December, 2003.

  62. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee. Identification of Divergence for English to Hindi EBMT. Proc. MT Summit IX, New Orleans, LA, 2003, pp 141 – 148.

  63. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee: A Morpho-Syntax Based Adaptation and Retrieval Scheme for English to Hindi EBMT. Proc. Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Languages of South Asia Expanding Synergies with Europe, EACL-2003, Budapest, Hungary, 2003, pp. 23 – 30.

  64. R. Mitra and Niladri Chatterjee: An Improvement of Graphplan Algorithm for Planning in Real-world Application. Proc. KBCS-2002, NCST Mumbai, pp. 479-488, 2002.

  65. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee: Study of Similarity and its Measurement for English to Hindi Machine Translation. Proc. STRANS-2002, I.I.T. Kanpur, 2002.

  66. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee: A Systematic Adaptation Scheme for English-Hindi Example-Based Machine Translation. Proc. STRANS-2002, I.I.T. Kanpur, 2002.

  67. D. Gupta and Niladri Chatterjee: Study of Diveregence for English-Hindi Example-Based Machine Translation. Proc. STRANS-2001, IIT Kanpur, pp 132 -140, 2001

  68. Niladri Chatterjee: A Statistical Approach to Similarity Measurement for EBMT. Proceedings STRANS-2001, IIT Kanpur, 2001, pp 122-131.

  69. Niladri Chatterjee, P. Pal and J. Das: Recognition of SODAR Patterns, A Rule-based Approach, Proc. International Conference on Advanced Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques (ICAPRDT-99), Eds N.R.Pal, J.Das and A.K.De, Narosa Publishing House, 1999, pp 69 -73.

  70. Niladri Chatterjee: A Feature Classification Scheme for Similar Case Retrieval. Proc. Intl Conference on Advanced Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques (ICAPRDT-99), Eds N.R.Pal, J.Das and A.K.De, Narosa Publishing House, 1999, pp 37 – 41.

  71. Niladri Chatterjee and Buxton B.F. : Shape Modelling for Drivable Open Terrains: Some Studies. Proc. ICVGIP'98, 1998, pp 330 - 337.

  72. J.A.Campbell, Niladri Chatterjee and N. Dawkins : Experiments in Automated Alignment of Text Over Several Languages. Proc. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Speech and Document Processing, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1998, pp C-47 - C-54.

  73. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: A Cache-Based Scheme for Case Organisation for Real-Time Problem Solving. Proc. 3rd United Kingdom Case-Based Reasoning Workshop. University of Manchester, UK, 1997.

  74. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Interpolation as a Means for Fast Adaptation in Case-Based Problem Solving. Proc. 5th German Workshop on Case-based Reasoning. Eds. R. Bergmann and W. Wilke. Centre for Learning Systems and Applications, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1997, pp 65 - 74.

  75. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Interpolation of Rules: A Means of Fast Decision Making for Real-Time Problem Solving. Research and Development in Expert Systems XIV. Eds. J. Hunt and R. Miles. SGES Publications, British Computer Society, Swindon, U.K, pp 135 - 145., 1997.

  76. J.A.Campbell,Niladri Chatterjee, Fang Alex Chengyu and Manela M.: Improving Automated Alignment in Multilingual Corpora. PACLIC 11. Proc. 11-th Pacific Asia Conference on Language Information and Computation. Eds. B-S Park and J.B. Kim. Language, Education and Research Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, 1996, pp 63 – 72.

  77. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Knowledge Interpolation: A New Approach to Rapid Symbolic Reasoning. Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems: Research and Application. Eds. K.S.R. Anjaneyulu , M. Sasikumar and S. Ramani. Narosa Publishing House, 1996, pp 67 - 78.

  78. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: A Caching Scheme for Time-Critical Knowledge-Based Computations. Proc. 6th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Eds. P.W.H. Chung, G. Lovegrove and M. Ali. Gordon and Breach Sc. Publishers, 1400 Yverdon, Switzerland, 1993, pp 61 – 70.

  79. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: Adaptation Through Interpolation for Time-Critical Case-Based Reasoning. Topics in Case-based Reasoning. Eds. S. Wess, K. Althoff and M.M. Richter. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 221 - 233, 1994

  80. Niladri Chatterjee and J.A.Campbell: A Caching Scheme for Time-Critical and Case-Based Reasoning. EXPERSYS-92. Eds. S. Hashemi, J.P. Marciano and G. Gouarderes. IITT-interational, F-93460 Gournay sur Marne, France, 1992, pp 477 - 482.

  81. C.A.Murthy, Niladri Chatterjee, B.Uma Shankar and D.Dutta Majumder: IRS Image Segmentation: Minimum Distance Classifier Approach. Proc. 11-th ICPR, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992, pp 781 - 784.

Book Chapter

  1. Jha A.N., Tiwari G., Chatterjee N.. Road Accidents in EU, USA and India: A critical analysis of Data Collection Framework. In: Kapur P., Singh O., Khatri S., Verma A. (eds) Strategic System Assurance and Business Analytics. Asset Analytics (Performance and Safety Management). Springer, Singapore, pp 419-444.

  2. Niladri Chatterjee, Tanya Aggarwal and Rishabh Maheshwari.Sarcasm Detection Using Deep Learning-Based Technique. In Deep Learning-Based Approaches for Sentiment Analysis. (Eds) Basant Agarwal • Richi Nayak Namita Mittal • Srikanta Patnaik Springer, pp 237-258, 2020. [link]





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