Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi

Lokesh has expertise in Freight demand modelling, Freight emissions and safety, Sustainable freight mode choice, Transportation policy, Smart Loading zones, Demand synthesis, Econometrics, Optimization and Automated deliveries.



Ph.D Transportation Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 2018
M.tech. Civil Engineering
IIT Madras, India
B.Tech. Civil Engineering IIT Madras, India 2009

Professional Experience

                              Lecturer for a module, Supply Chain Analytics, Chalmers University of Technology, Spring 2022

                              Examiner, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2021

                              Lecturer for a module, Design of Quality, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2021

                              Lecturer for a module, Supply Chain Analytics, Chalmers University of Technology, Spring 2021

                              Lecturer for a module, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2020

                              Lecturer, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                              Invited Lecturer, Freight Transport, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                              Invited Lecturer, Sustainable Supply Chains, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                              Teaching Assistant, Strength of Materials, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2017

                              Teaching Assistant, Transportation Systems Planning, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2017

                              Teaching Assistant, Capstone Design, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2016

                              Invited Lecturer, Transportation Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2016

                              Teaching Assistant, Transportation Systems Planning, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2016

                              Teaching Assistant, Strength of Materials, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2015 (Spring and Fall)

                              KEY AREAS OF INTEREST

                              Transportation Demand Modeling: Developing mathematical models for trip generation, distribution, origin-destination synthesis, network assignment, to assist the public/private agencies to promoting road safety.

                              Transportation Economics: Data analysis, estimation and forecasting of various transportation phenomena (flows, costs, travel times, etc.) using advanced statistical and econometric models, discrete choice modeling, game theory.

                              Freight Transportation: Freight demand management, freight generation and trip generation, freight mode choice, estimation of costs, freight demand synthesis, commercial parking simulation, duration modeling.

                              Optimization: Application of linear, non-linear, integer, and combinatorial programming techniques in transportation.



                                                          1. Kalahasthi, L.K., Sánchez-Díaz, I., Pablo Castrellon, J., Gil, J., Browne, M., Hayes, S., and Sentís Ros, C. Joint modeling of arrivals and parking durations for freight loading zones: Potential applications to improving urban logistics. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 166, pp. 307-329, 2022/12/01/ 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.11.003

                                                          2. Wide, P., L. Kalahasthi, V. Rosso. Efficiency Effects of Information on Operational Disruption Management in Port Hinterland Freight Transport - Simulation of A Swedish Dry Port Case. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp. 1-24, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2022.2100333

                                                          3. J. P. Castrellon, I. Sanchez-Diaz, and L. K. Kalahasthi, "Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits," Transportation Research Record, vol. 0, no. 0, p. 03611981221115086, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221115086

                                                          4. Regal Ludowieg A., I. Sánchez-Díaz, and L. Kalahasthi (2022). Using Machine Learning to Predict Freight Vehicles Demand for Loading Zones in Urban Environments. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, vol. 2022. (Accepted)

                                                          5. Kalahasthi, L., J. Holguín-Veras, and W.F. Yushimito. A Freight Origin-Destination Synthesis Model with Mode Choice. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 157, No. 2022, pp. 102595. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2021.102595 (Impact factor=6.875, Citations=1)

                                                          6. Holguín-Veras J., L. Kalahasthi, D. Ramirez-Rios. Service Trip Attraction in Commercial Establishments. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2021.102301 (Impact factor=6.875, Citations=6)

                                                          7. Holguín-Veras, J., L. Kalahasthi, S. Campbell, C. Gonzalez-Calderon, and C. Wang, “Freight Mode Choice: Results from a Nationwide Qualitative and Quantitative Research Effort,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 143, 2021, pp. 78-120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2020.11.016 (Impact factor=5.594, Citations=16)

                                                          8. Camarasa, C., L. Kalahasthi, I. Sánchez-Díaz, L. Rosado, L. Hennes, K. Bienge, I, Hamilton. Energy-Efficient Retrofit Measures (EERM) in Residential Buildings: An Application of Discrete Choice Modelling. Buildings. Vol. 11, No. 6, 2021, pp. 257. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11060257 (Impact factor=2.648, Citations=1)

                                                          9. Holguín-Veras, J., T. Encarnación, D. Ramirez-Rios, S. Perez-Guzan, L. Kalahasthi, I. Sánchez-Díaz, C. González, and X. He. A Multi-Class Tour-Flow-Model and its Role in Multi-Class Freight Tour Synthesis, Transportation Science, 2020 54:3, 631-650. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/trsc.2019.0936 (Impact factor=4.117, Citations=5)

                                                          10. Camarasa, C., L. Kalahasthi, and L. Rosado, "Drivers and Barriers to Energy-Efficient Technologies (EETs) in EU Residential Buildings," Energy and Built Environment, Vol. 2, No. 3 pp 290-301, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2020.08.002 (Impact factor=NA, Citations=9)

                                                          11. Campbell, S., J. Holguín-Veras, D.G. Ramirez-Rios, C.A. González-Calderón, L. Kalahasthi, and J. Wojtowicz. Freight and service parking needs and the role of demand management. European Transport Research Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018, pp. 47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12544-018-0309-5 (Impact factor=2.415, Citations=13)

                                                          12.Holguín-Veras, J., S. Hodge, J. Wojtowicz, C. Singh, C. Wang, M. Jaller, F. Aros-Vera, K. Ozbay, M. Marsico, A. Weeks, M. Replogle, C. Ukegbu, J. Ban, M. Brom, S. Campbell, I. Sánchez-Díaz, C.A. González-Calderón, A. Kornhauser, M. Simon, S. McSherry, A. Rahman, T. Encarnación, X. Yang, D. Ramirez-Rios, L. Kalahasthi, J. Amaya-Leal, M. Silas, B. Allen, and B. Cruz. The New York City Off-Hour Deliveries Program: A Business and Community-Friendly Sustainability Program. Interfaces, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2018, pp. 70-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2017.0929 (Impact factor=0.775, Citations=19)

                                                          13. Holguín-Veras, J., T. Encarnación, C.A. González-Calderón, J. Winebrake, C. Wang, S. Kyle, N. Herazo-Padilla, L. Kalahasthi, W. Adarme, V. Cantillo, H. Yoshizaki, and R. Garrido. Direct Impacts of Off-hour Deliveries on Urban Freight Emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 61, No. 2018, pp. 84-103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2016.10.013 (Impact factor=5.495, Citations=60)

                                                          14. Holguín-Veras, J., S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi, and C. Wang. Role and Potential of a Trusted Vendor Certification Program to Foster Adoption of Unassisted Off-Hour Deliveries. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 102, No. 2017, pp. 157-171. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2016.09.011 (Impact factor=5.594, Citations=6)

                                                          Journal Articles (In review)

                                                          • Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz, S. Behrends (2022). How have Freight Traffic and its Impacts Evolved between 2013-19? A Tour-Based Simulation for the City of Gothenburg. Transportation Research Record (first revision)
                                                          • Ramirez-Rios, D., L. Kalahasthi, J. Holguín-Veras (2021). On-Street Parking for Freight, Services, and E-Commerce Traffic in US Cities: A Simulation Model Incorporating Demand and Duration. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (second revision)

                                                          Working Papers

                                                          • Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz, J. P. Castrellon, G. Jorge, M. Browne, B. Kulcsár, S. Hayes and C. Sentis Ros. Commercial Vehicle Routing Model with Parking Chance Constraints.
                                                          • Castrellon, J. P., L. Kalahasthi, I. Sanchez-Diaz, G. Jorge, M. Browne, S. Hayes and C. Sentis Ros. Using Data Analytics for Enhanced Loading Zones Design and Operation in Smart Cities.
                                                          • Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz. Assessment of Automated Robot Deliveries at Chalmers.
                                                          • Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz. Modeling Empty Container Movements in Sweden.
                                                          • Kalahasthi L., J. Holguín-Veras. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Freight Productions using the Confidential Commodity Flow Survey Micro-Data.
                                                          • Holguín-Veras J., L. Kalahasthi, A. Ismael, W. Yushimito. An Application of Multi-Commodity Freight Demand Synthesis to Analyze Freight Movements in Bangladesh.
                                                          • Izdebski M., L. Kalahasthi, A. Regal Ludowieg. Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in Hudson River: An Investigation using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.

                                                          Conference Presentations 

                                                          1. Kalahasthi L., Sánchez-Díaz I, Zhang C, Wu B, Muthukrishnan S. K.: An Exploratory Study of Ground Autonomous Last Mile Deliveries: A Case of Chalmers University, Sweden. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2022.
                                                          2. Kalahasthi L., Sánchez-Díaz I, S. Behrends: Simulating the Effects of Changes in Urban Freight Traffic and Propulsion Technology on Emissions: The Case of Gothenburg, Sweden. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2021.
                                                          3. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras, J., A. Ismael, W. Yushimito, M. Herrera-Dappe and S. Hoque: Regional Freight Demand Model for Bangladesh: An Application of Freight Origin-Destination Synthesis. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2020.
                                                          4. Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras, J., D. Ramirez-Rios, and J. Amaral: Freight and Service Activity patterns in US Cities. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2020.
                                                          5. Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras J, Yushimito W, Ismael A: A Combined Data Collection, Modelling Approach to Estimate Freight Generation in Bangladesh. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2019.
                                                          6. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Ramirez-Rios DG, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA, Wojtowicz J: Quantification of Freight and Service Activity Trends in the Cities. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2018.
                                                          7. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Freight Mode Choice Modeling using the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) And Longitudinal Business Data (LBD). 5th Biennial Marine Transportation System Research and Technology Conference. Washington DC, May 2018.
                                                          8. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Mitchell J: Freight Demand Synthesis (FDS) including Modal Split: A Combined Estimation Procedure. VREF PhD and Younger Researchers Workshop, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, June 2018.
                                                          9. Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras J, Yushimito W, Ismael A, Ng J, Rivera-Gonzalez C: Bangladesh Freight Study. Volvo Research and Educational Foundations Advanced Studies Institute on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems, Troy, NY, August 2018.
                                                          10. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Mitchell J: Freight Demand Synthesis (FDS) including Modal Split-A Combined Estimation Procedure. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Quebec City, Canada, July 2017.
                                                          11. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Freight Mode Choice Modeling using the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) and Longitudinal Business Data (LBD). Annual Conference of the Federal Statistical Research DATA CENTERS (FSRDC) on “BIG DATA”. UCLA, CA, September 2017.
                                                          12. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Factors Influencing Freight Mode Choice: Insights from In-Depth Interviews. 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference, Los Angeles CA, October 2017.
                                                          13. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA, Ramirez-Rios DG, Lawson CT, Wojtowicz J: Freight and Service Parking Needs and the Role of Demand Management. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2017.
                                                          14. Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Key Factors Influencing Freight Mode Choice: Insights from In-Depth Interviews. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2016.

                                                          Project Reports

                                                          1. Holguín-Veras J, T. Encarnacion, C.A. Gonzalez-Calderon, V. Cantillo, H. Yoshizaki, R. Garrido, L. Kalahasthi, S. Kyle. Methodology to Analyze and Quantify the Impacts of Congestion on Supply Chains in Latin-American Cities. pp. 1-76: Inter-American Development Bank, Infrastructure and Environment Sector, Transportation Division; 2016:1-76.
                                                          2. Holguín-Veras J, Wang C, L. Kalahasthi, C.A. Gonzalez-Calderon, Z. Wei. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Implementation Assistance Program: Innovative Local Freight Data. Capital District Transportation Committee; 2016:1-56.
                                                          3. Holguín-Veras J, C. Lawson, C. Wang, M. Jaller, C.A. González-Calderón, S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi, J. Wojtowicz, D. Ramirez-Rios. NCFRP Report 37: Using Commodity Flow Survey Microdata to Estimate the Generation of Freight, Freight Trip Generation, and Service Trips: Guidebook. NCHRP/NCFRP. Washington, D.C. Transportation Research Board; 2017.
                                                          4. Holguín-Veras J, S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi. Use of Freight Production Functions to Identify Outliers in the Commodity Flow Survey Data CES Technical Notes Series 17-08, CES, U.S. Census Bureau. 2017.
                                                          5. Holguin-Veras, J., L. Kalahasthi, W. Yushimito, A. Ismael, J. Ng and C. Rivera-Gonzalez (2018). Bangladesh Freight Study. The World Bank: 1-151.
                                                          6. Holguín-Veras, J., C. Wang, L. Kalahasthi, S. Campbell, M. Lawrence, J. Skolnik, I. Silvergleit, C. A. Gonzalez-Calderon, J. Wojtowicz, D. Ramirez-Rios, M. Arrieta-Prieto, O. Calderon-Quevedo and S. Perez-Guzman. Impacts of Policy-Induced Freight Modal Shifts. NCHRP/NCFRP. Transportation Research Board. NCFRP Report 40. Washington, D.C. 2019

                                                          Research Experience (Funded Projects)

                                                          1. Samverkande Autonoma Transporter (Collaborative Autonomous Transporters) (2022-Present)

                                                              - Funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA)

                                                              - Investigation of integrated automation of passenger (minibus) and freight transport (robot)

                                                          2. Empty Container Positioning (2021-Present)

                                                             - Funded by the Swedish Energy Agency

                                                             - Evaluate the current situation of empty containers positioning in Sweden using data from Trafikanalys

                                                             - Develop modeling frameworks to estimate empty container movements, propose strategies to minimize the total distance travelled, energy consumption, and emissions

                                                          3.Using Data Analytics for Smart Loading Zones Management in Cities (2019-2020)

                                                             - Estimated the parking demand, duration, and the optimal routing plan for the users of loading zones.

                                                          4.Efficiency Assessment of Freight Robotic Deliveries (2019-2021)

                                                             - Assess the efficiency, propose network design and route plan to optimize the robot deliveries

                                                          5.Spatial and Temporal Freight Production Models (2018-2019)

                                                             - Estimated econometric models to analyze the spatial and temporal changes in the freight production patterns using the Confidential Commodity Flow Survey Micro-data for years 1993, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012.

                                                          6.US Department of Transportation (USDOT). Freight and Service Generation Software (2017-2018)

                                                             - Assisted in the algorithm for preparing a software to estimate freight trip generation, freight generation and service trip attraction using ZIP-code business pattern data.

                                                          7.The World Bank Group. Bangladesh Freight Study (2016-2018)

                                                             - Designed a survey and sampling procedure to collect freight data in Bangladesh.

                                                             - Estimated freight generation, freight trip generation and freight origin destination synthesis models (single and multi-commodity) for regional freight movement in Bangladesh.

                                                             - Performed economic evaluation of various infrastructure projects.

                                                          8.Inter-American Development Bank. Methodology to Analyze and Quantify the Impacts of Congestion on Logistics Costs in Latin-American Cities (2014-2015)

                                                             - Prepared a software to estimate the emissions (CO, CO2, NOX, etc.) for different truck types, models, year of make, and speeds from the GPS data.

                                                             - Prepared the technical report on survey methodology and cost estimation procedures.

                                                             - Part of finalist in the 2017 INFORMS Franz Edelman Competition.

                                                          9.The US Census Bureau. Use of Freight Production Functions to Identify Outliers in the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Data (2014-2019)

                                                            - Processed the CFS, and LBD microdata for five years (1993, 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012).

                                                            - Identified the outliers in the CFS data, prepare the data ready for freight modeling purposes.

                                                            - Provided guidelines to the Census Bureau to improve the freight data collection process.

                                                          10.NCFRP. Project 44: Impacts of Policy-Induced Freight Modal Shifts (2014-2019)

                                                            - Conducted and analyzed the in-depth interviews with shippers, carriers and receivers on factors influencing freight mode choice decisions.

                                                            - Estimated freight mode choice models using truck, rail modal attribute data, and Confidential 2012 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Micro-data for the first time in the US.

                                                            - Performed Numerical experiments using 2012 CFS public-use microdata.

                                                          11.Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2-C20). Freight Demand Modeling, Data Improvement, and Preparation of Dynamic Freight Data (2013-2015)

                                                            - Collected and combined freight data from various sources (CFS, FAF, Truck counts, E-ZPass, Weight-in-Motion) to prepare a dynamic freight database for the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC).

                                                          12.NCFRP. Project 25: Freight Trip Generation and Land Use (2013-2017)

                                                            - Estimated freight trip generation, freight generation, and service trip attraction models.

                                                            - Estimated freight production models using commodity flow survey microdata 2007.

                                                          Thesis Advisement

                                                          • Dhal, F. and Maruthappan. R (2022). Improving the Production Process of Tag Manfacturing. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.
                                                          • Wu, B. and C. Zhang (2021). Freight Demand and Efficient Routing for a Partially Automated Delivery System within Chalmers Campus. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.
                                                          • Hammarstedt, C. and P. Lavestål (2021) The Increased Value of Last Mile Logistics in the E-Commerce Value Chain. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.
                                                          • Wahid, R. (2021). Smart Loading Zone Applications for Urban Last Mile Delivery. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.
                                                          • Liu, D. and Y. Hu (2020). A Calculation Framework and Computer Tools to Estimate Freight Rate and Carbon Emissions for Road Transport. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Technical Skills

                                                          • Languages/Solvers: MATLAB, Python, Visual Studio, AMPL, GAMS, IBM-Ilog, Cplex, Knitro, LINDO, HTML, PHP.
                                                          • Software Packages/CMS: STATA, N-Logit, Trans-CAD, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Microsoft Office, Wordpress, Joomla.

                                                          Industrial Experience

                                                          Junior Implementer at Realization Technologies, Mumbai, India (May 2012-May 2013)

                                                          Implementation of infrastructure projects using critical chain project management techniques.

                                                          Assistant Manager in Jindal Power Limited, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India (July 2010-May 2012)

                                                          Worked in planning and monitoring division of the construction of a power plant of capacity 4x600MW

                                                          Societies and Affiliations

                                                          Member: Transportation Research Board, Federal Highway Administration: Freight Planning Committee, The Institute of Operations Research, Transportation Research Board, Federal Highway Administration: Freight Planning Committee, The Institute of Operations Research, and the Management Sciences

                                                          Reviewer: Networks and Spatial Economics, Transportation Research Record, Transport Problems, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Journal of Transport Geography, Cities, Research in Transportation Business & Management, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology

                                                          Fellowships, Awards and Distinctions

                                                          • TRB Freight Systems and Marine Young Members Council (YMC-FM) Freight and Marine “Work-in-Progress” Lightning Talks and Poster Session Washington DC, January 2019.
                                                          • The Student Honor Panel for the fifth Biennial Marine Transportation System Conference at National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, January 2018. 
                                                          • The INFORMS Franz Edelman Finalist Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences for Off-Hour Delivery Project in New York City, 2017.
                                                          • Research and Teaching Assistantship Award from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2013-2018)
                                                          • Award of Excellence for the best employee, Jindal Power Limited (2012)
                                                          • All India Rank of 303 in GATE (2009)
                                                          • Merit cum Means (MCM) scholarship, IIT Madras (2005-2010)
                                                          • All India Rank of 2765 in IIT-JEE (2005)



                                                          Ph.D in Transportation Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA in 2018

                                                          M.tech. in Civil Engineering from IIT Madras in 2010

                                                          B.Tech. in Civil Engineering from IIT Madras in 2009

                                                          Professional Experience

                                                          Lecturer for a module, Supply Chain Analytics, Chalmers University of Technology, Spring 2022

                                                          Examiner, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2021

                                                          Lecturer for a module, Design of Quality, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2021

                                                          Lecturer for a module, Supply Chain Analytics, Chalmers University of Technology, Spring 2021

                                                          Lecturer for a module, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2020

                                                          Lecturer, Sustainable Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                                                          Invited Lecturer, Freight Transport, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                                                          Invited Lecturer, Sustainable Supply Chains, Chalmers University of Technology, Autumn 2019

                                                          Teaching Assistant, Strength of Materials, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2017

                                                          Teaching Assistant, Transportation Systems Planning, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2017

                                                          Teaching Assistant, Capstone Design, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2016

                                                          Invited Lecturer, Transportation Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2016

                                                          Teaching Assistant, Transportation Systems Planning, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall 2016

                                                          Teaching Assistant, Strength of Materials, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2015 (Spring and Fall)

                                                          Key Areas of Interest

                                                          Transportation Demand Modeling: Developing mathematical models for trip generation, distribution, origin-destination synthesis, network assignment, to assist the public/private agencies to promoting road safety.

                                                          Transportation Economics: Data analysis, estimation and forecasting of various transportation phenomena (flows, costs, travel times, etc.) using advanced statistical and econometric models, discrete choice modeling, game theory.

                                                          Freight Transportation: Freight demand management, freight generation and trip generation, freight mode choice, estimation of costs, freight demand synthesis, commercial parking simulation, duration modeling.

                                                          Optimization: Application of linear, non-linear, integer, and combinatorial programming techniques in transportation.



                                                          Kalahasthi, L.K., Sánchez-Díaz, I., Pablo Castrellon, J., Gil, J., Browne, M., Hayes, S., and Sentís Ros, C. Joint modeling of arrivals and parking durations for freight loading zones: Potential applications to improving urban logistics. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 166, pp. 307-329, 2022/12/01/ 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.11.003

                                                          Wide, P., L. Kalahasthi, V. Rosso. Efficiency Effects of Information on Operational Disruption Management in Port Hinterland Freight Transport - Simulation of A Swedish Dry Port Case. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp. 1-24, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2022.2100333

                                                          J. P. Castrellon, I. Sanchez-Diaz, and L. K. Kalahasthi, "Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits," Transportation Research Record, vol. 0, no. 0, p. 03611981221115086, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221115086

                                                          Regal Ludowieg A., I. Sánchez-Díaz, and L. Kalahasthi (2022). Using Machine Learning to Predict Freight Vehicles Demand for Loading Zones in Urban Environments. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, vol. 2022. (Accepted)

                                                          Kalahasthi, L., J. Holguín-Veras, and W.F. Yushimito. A Freight Origin-Destination Synthesis Model with Mode Choice. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 157, No. 2022, pp. 102595. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2021.102595 (Impact factor=6.875, Citations=1)

                                                          Holguín-Veras J., L. Kalahasthi, D. Ramirez-Rios. Service Trip Attraction in Commercial Establishments. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2021.102301 (Impact factor=6.875, Citations=6)

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., L. Kalahasthi, S. Campbell, C. Gonzalez-Calderon, and C. Wang, “Freight Mode Choice: Results from a Nationwide Qualitative and Quantitative Research Effort,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 143, 2021, pp. 78-120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2020.11.016 (Impact factor=5.594, Citations=16)

                                                          Camarasa, C., L. Kalahasthi, I. Sánchez-Díaz, L. Rosado, L. Hennes, K. Bienge, I, Hamilton. Energy-Efficient Retrofit Measures (EERM) in Residential Buildings: An Application of Discrete Choice Modelling. Buildings. Vol. 11, No. 6, 2021, pp. 257. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11060257 (Impact factor=2.648, Citations=1)

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., T. Encarnación, D. Ramirez-Rios, S. Perez-Guzan, L. Kalahasthi, I. Sánchez-Díaz, C. González, and X. He. A Multi-Class Tour-Flow-Model and its Role in Multi-Class Freight Tour Synthesis, Transportation Science, 2020 54:3, 631-650. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/trsc.2019.0936 (Impact factor=4.117, Citations=5)

                                                          Camarasa, C., L. Kalahasthi, and L. Rosado, "Drivers and Barriers to Energy-Efficient Technologies (EETs) in EU Residential Buildings," Energy and Built Environment, Vol. 2, No. 3 pp 290-301, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2020.08.002 (Impact factor=NA, Citations=9)

                                                          Campbell, S., J. Holguín-Veras, D.G. Ramirez-Rios, C.A. González-Calderón, L. Kalahasthi, and J. Wojtowicz. Freight and service parking needs and the role of demand management. European Transport Research Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018, pp. 47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12544-018-0309-5 (Impact factor=2.415, Citations=13)

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., S. Hodge, J. Wojtowicz, C. Singh, C. Wang, M. Jaller, F. Aros-Vera, K. Ozbay, M. Marsico, A. Weeks, M. Replogle, C. Ukegbu, J. Ban, M. Brom, S. Campbell, I. Sánchez-Díaz, C.A. González-Calderón, A. Kornhauser, M. Simon, S. McSherry, A. Rahman, T. Encarnación, X. Yang, D. Ramirez-Rios, L. Kalahasthi, J. Amaya-Leal, M. Silas, B. Allen, and B. Cruz. The New York City Off-Hour Deliveries Program: A Business and Community-Friendly Sustainability Program. Interfaces, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2018, pp. 70-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2017.0929 (Impact factor=0.775, Citations=19)

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi, and C. Wang. Role and Potential of a Trusted Vendor Certification Program to Foster Adoption of Unassisted Off-Hour Deliveries. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 102, No. 2017, pp. 157-171. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2016.09.011 (Impact factor=5.594, Citations=6)

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., T. Encarnación, C.A. González-Calderón, J. Winebrake, C. Wang, S. Kyle, N. Herazo-Padilla, L. Kalahasthi, W. Adarme, V. Cantillo, H. Yoshizaki, and R. Garrido. Direct Impacts of Off-hour Deliveries on Urban Freight Emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 61, No. 2018, pp. 84-103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2016.10.013 (Impact factor=5.495, Citations=60)

                                                          Journal Articles (In review)

                                                          Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz, S. Behrends (2022). How have Freight Traffic and its Impacts Evolved between 2013-19? A Tour-Based Simulation for the City of Gothenburg. Transportation Research Record (first revision)

                                                          Ramirez-Rios, D., L. Kalahasthi, J. Holguín-Veras (2021). On-Street Parking for Freight, Services, and E-Commerce Traffic in US Cities: A Simulation Model Incorporating Demand and Duration. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (second revision)

                                                          Working Papers

                                                          Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz, J. P. Castrellon, G. Jorge, M. Browne, B. Kulcsár, S. Hayes and C. Sentis Ros. Commercial Vehicle Routing Model with Parking Chance Constraints.

                                                          Castrellon, J. P., L. Kalahasthi, I. Sanchez-Diaz, G. Jorge, M. Browne, S. Hayes and C. Sentis Ros. Using Data Analytics for Enhanced Loading Zones Design and Operation in Smart Cities.

                                                          Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz. Assessment of Automated Robot Deliveries at Chalmers.

                                                          Kalahasthi, L., I. Sanchez-Diaz. Modeling Empty Container Movements in Sweden.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., J. Holguín-Veras. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Freight Productions using the Confidential Commodity Flow Survey Micro-Data.

                                                          Holguín-Veras J., L. Kalahasthi, A. Ismael, W. Yushimito. An Application of Multi-Commodity Freight Demand Synthesis to Analyze Freight Movements in Bangladesh.

                                                          Izdebski M., L. Kalahasthi, A. Regal Ludowieg. Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in Hudson River: An Investigation using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.

                                                          Conference Presentations 

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Sánchez-Díaz I, Zhang C, Wu B, Muthukrishnan S. K.: An Exploratory Study of Ground Autonomous Last Mile Deliveries: A Case of Chalmers University, Sweden. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2022.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Sánchez-Díaz I, S. Behrends: Simulating the Effects of Changes in Urban Freight Traffic and Propulsion Technology on Emissions: The Case of Gothenburg, Sweden. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2021.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras, J., A. Ismael, W. Yushimito, M. Herrera-Dappe and S. Hoque: Regional Freight Demand Model for Bangladesh: An Application of Freight Origin-Destination Synthesis. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2020.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras, J., D. Ramirez-Rios, and J. Amaral: Freight and Service Activity patterns in US Cities. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2020.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras J, Yushimito W, Ismael A: A Combined Data Collection, Modelling Approach to Estimate Freight Generation in Bangladesh. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2019.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Ramirez-Rios DG, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA, Wojtowicz J: Quantification of Freight and Service Activity Trends in the Cities. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2018.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Freight Mode Choice Modeling using the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) And Longitudinal Business Data (LBD). 5th Biennial Marine Transportation System Research and Technology Conference. Washington DC, May 2018.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Mitchell J: Freight Demand Synthesis (FDS) including Modal Split: A Combined Estimation Procedure. VREF PhD and Younger Researchers Workshop, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, June 2018.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguin-Veras J, Yushimito W, Ismael A, Ng J, Rivera-Gonzalez C: Bangladesh Freight Study. Volvo Research and Educational Foundations Advanced Studies Institute on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems, Troy, NY, August 2018.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Mitchell J: Freight Demand Synthesis (FDS) including Modal Split-A Combined Estimation Procedure. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Quebec City, Canada, July 2017.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Freight Mode Choice Modeling using the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) and Longitudinal Business Data (LBD). Annual Conference of the Federal Statistical Research DATA CENTERS (FSRDC) on “BIG DATA”. UCLA, CA, September 2017.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Factors Influencing Freight Mode Choice: Insights from In-Depth Interviews. 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference, Los Angeles CA, October 2017.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA, Ramirez-Rios DG, Lawson CT, Wojtowicz J: Freight and Service Parking Needs and the Role of Demand Management. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2017.

                                                          Kalahasthi L., Holguín-Veras J, Campbell S, González-Calderón CA: Key Factors Influencing Freight Mode Choice: Insights from In-Depth Interviews. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2016.


                                                          Holguín-Veras J, T. Encarnacion, C.A. Gonzalez-Calderon, V. Cantillo, H. Yoshizaki, R. Garrido, L. Kalahasthi, S. Kyle. Methodology to Analyze and Quantify the Impacts of Congestion on Supply Chains in Latin-American Cities. pp. 1-76: Inter-American Development Bank, Infrastructure and Environment Sector, Transportation Division; 2016:1-76.

                                                          Holguín-Veras J, Wang C, L. Kalahasthi, C.A. Gonzalez-Calderon, Z. Wei. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Implementation Assistance Program: Innovative Local Freight Data. Capital District Transportation Committee; 2016:1-56.

                                                          Holguín-Veras J, C. Lawson, C. Wang, M. Jaller, C.A. González-Calderón, S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi, J. Wojtowicz, D. Ramirez-Rios. NCFRP Report 37: Using Commodity Flow Survey Microdata to Estimate the Generation of Freight, Freight Trip Generation, and Service Trips: Guidebook. NCHRP/NCFRP. Washington, D.C. Transportation Research Board; 2017.

                                                          Holguín-Veras J, S. Campbell, L. Kalahasthi. Use of Freight Production Functions to Identify Outliers in the Commodity Flow Survey Data CES Technical Notes Series 17-08, CES, U.S. Census Bureau. 2017.

                                                          Holguin-Veras, J., L. Kalahasthi, W. Yushimito, A. Ismael, J. Ng and C. Rivera-Gonzalez (2018). Bangladesh Freight Study. The World Bank: 1-151.

                                                          Holguín-Veras, J., C. Wang, L. Kalahasthi, S. Campbell, M. Lawrence, J. Skolnik, I. Silvergleit, C. A. Gonzalez-Calderon, J. Wojtowicz, D. Ramirez-Rios, M. Arrieta-Prieto, O. Calderon-Quevedo and S. Perez-Guzman. Impacts of Policy-Induced Freight Modal Shifts. NCHRP/NCFRP. Transportation Research Board. NCFRP Report 40. Washington, D.C. 2019

                                                          Research Experience (Funded Projects)

                                                          1. Samverkande Autonoma Transporter (Collaborative Autonomous Transporters) (2022-Present)

                                                              - Funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA)

                                                              - Investigation of integrated automation of passenger (minibus) and freight transport (robot)

                                                          2. Empty Container Positioning (2021-Present)

                                                             - Funded by the Swedish Energy Agency

                                                             - Evaluate the current situation of empty containers positioning in Sweden using data from Trafikanalys

                                                             - Develop modeling frameworks to estimate empty container movements, propose strategies to minimize the total distance travelled, energy consumption, and emissions

                                                          3.Using Data Analytics for Smart Loading Zones Management in Cities (2019-2020)

                                                             - Estimated the parking demand, duration, and the optimal routing plan for the users of loading zones.

                                                          4.Efficiency Assessment of Freight Robotic Deliveries (2019-2021)

                                                             - Assess the efficiency, propose network design and route plan to optimize the robot deliveries

                                                          5.Spatial and Temporal Freight Production Models (2018-2019)

                                                             - Estimated econometric models to analyze the spatial and temporal changes in the freight production patterns using the Confidential Commodity Flow Survey Micro-data for years 1993, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012.

                                                          6.US Department of Transportation (USDOT). Freight and Service Generation Software (2017-2018)

                                                             - Assisted in the algorithm for preparing a software to estimate freight trip generation, freight generation and service trip attraction using ZIP-code business pattern data.

                                                          7.The World Bank Group. Bangladesh Freight Study (2016-2018)

                                                             - Designed a survey and sampling procedure to collect freight data in Bangladesh.

                                                             - Estimated freight generation, freight trip generation and freight origin destination synthesis models (single and multi-commodity) for regional freight movement in Bangladesh.

                                                             - Performed economic evaluation of various infrastructure projects.

                                                          8.Inter-American Development Bank. Methodology to Analyze and Quantify the Impacts of Congestion on Logistics Costs in Latin-American Cities (2014-2015)

                                                             - Prepared a software to estimate the emissions (CO, CO2, NOX, etc.) for different truck types, models, year of make, and speeds from the GPS data.

                                                             - Prepared the technical report on survey methodology and cost estimation procedures.

                                                             - Part of finalist in the 2017 INFORMS Franz Edelman Competition.

                                                          9.The US Census Bureau. Use of Freight Production Functions to Identify Outliers in the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Data (2014-2019)

                                                            - Processed the CFS, and LBD microdata for five years (1993, 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012).

                                                            - Identified the outliers in the CFS data, prepare the data ready for freight modeling purposes.

                                                            - Provided guidelines to the Census Bureau to improve the freight data collection process.

                                                          10.NCFRP. Project 44: Impacts of Policy-Induced Freight Modal Shifts (2014-2019)

                                                            - Conducted and analyzed the in-depth interviews with shippers, carriers and receivers on factors influencing freight mode choice decisions.

                                                            - Estimated freight mode choice models using truck, rail modal attribute data, and Confidential 2012 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Micro-data for the first time in the US.

                                                            - Performed Numerical experiments using 2012 CFS public-use microdata.

                                                          11.Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2-C20). Freight Demand Modeling, Data Improvement, and Preparation of Dynamic Freight Data (2013-2015)

                                                            - Collected and combined freight data from various sources (CFS, FAF, Truck counts, E-ZPass, Weight-in-Motion) to prepare a dynamic freight database for the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC).

                                                          12.NCFRP. Project 25: Freight Trip Generation and Land Use (2013-2017)

                                                            - Estimated freight trip generation, freight generation, and service trip attraction models.

                                                            - Estimated freight production models using commodity flow survey microdata 2007.

                                                          Thesis Advisement

                                                          Dhal, F. and Maruthappan. R (2022). Improving the Production Process of Tag Manfacturing. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Wu, B. and C. Zhang (2021). Freight Demand and Efficient Routing for a Partially Automated Delivery System within Chalmers Campus. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Hammarstedt, C. and P. Lavestål (2021) The Increased Value of Last Mile Logistics in the E-Commerce Value Chain. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Wahid, R. (2021). Smart Loading Zone Applications for Urban Last Mile Delivery. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Liu, D. and Y. Hu (2020). A Calculation Framework and Computer Tools to Estimate Freight Rate and Carbon Emissions for Road Transport. Masters Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

                                                          Technical Skills

                                                          Languages/Solvers: MATLAB, Python, Visual Studio, AMPL, GAMS, IBM-Ilog, Cplex, Knitro, LINDO, HTML, PHP.

                                                          Software Packages/CMS: STATA, N-Logit, Trans-CAD, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Microsoft Office, Wordpress, Joomla.

                                                          Industrial Experience

                                                          Junior Implementer at Realization Technologies, Mumbai, India (May 2012-May 2013)

                                                          Implementation of infrastructure projects using critical chain project management techniques.

                                                          Assistant Manager in Jindal Power Limited, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India (July 2010-May 2012)

                                                          Worked in planning and monitoring division of the construction of a power plant of capacity 4x600MW


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