Gazala Habib

Aerosol Monitoring Characterization and Modelling, Local Air Quality, Health and Climate Effects
Professor Gazala Habib is an expert in Air Pollution Monitoring, Characterization of Aerosol and their Impact on Health. Dr. Habib has joined IIT Delhi in 2008 as Assistant Professor. Now she is serving the institute as Associate Professor since August 2018. She is teaching courses both graduate and under graduate related to Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research interests include Air Pollution, Aerosol Source Profile Development, Source Apportionment, and Health Issues. She has established an advanced Aerosol Research and Characterization Laboratory (ARC Lab). She is a Project Incharge (PI) and coordinator of an Emissions Inventory Building Activity under the National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), India. In addition to several R&D grants from DST/SERBUPPCB, and other agencies, Dr. Habib has secured a substantial grant from MoEFCC, SERB and UPPCB at IIT Delhi. The project funded by SERB and MoEFCC has allowed her to establish a world-class research laboratory and a research group (including 2 post-doctorate, 5 PhDs, 3 Research Assistants) leading nationally and internationally in the field of Aerosol Characterization and Exposure Assessment. Her publication in high impact journals has received over 300 citations.


Published / Accepted

  1. Arub_etal, (2020) Raw_data_upload_Arubetal_2020.xlsx

  2. Ananya Das, Gaurav Singh, Gazala Habib, Arun Kumar, (2018), Non-carcinogenic and Carcinogenic Risk Assessment of Trace Elements of PM2.5 during Winter and Pre-monsoon Seasons in Delhi: A Case Study. Exposure and Health

  3. Jaiprakash, Gazala Habib, (2018), A technology-based mass emission factors of gases and aerosol precursor and spatial variation of emissions from on-road transport sector in IndiaAtmospheric Environment 180 (2018) 192–205.

  4. Jaiprakash, Tarachand Lohia, Anil Kumar Mandariya, Gazala Habib, Tarun Gupta, Sanjay K. Gupta, (2018), Chemical Characterization of PM1.0 from Road site in Delhi: Sources and their Potential Risk for Human HealthEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research.

  5. [This paper is highlighted in Indian express, Times of India and Zee News]

  6. Jaiprakash, Habib, G., (2018), On-road assessment of light duty vehicles in Delhi city: Emission factors of CO, CO2 and NOX, Atmospheric Environment, 174 (2018) 132–139 [IF=3.6].

  7. Pant, P., Habib, G. Marshall, J. D., Peltier, R. E., (2017), PM2.5 exposure in highly polluted cities: A case study from New Delhi, India. Environmental Research, 156 (2017) 167–174 [IF=3.1].

  8. Jaiprakash, Habib, G., (2017), Chemical and optical properties of PM2.5 from on-road operation of light duty vehicles, Science of the Total Environment, 586 900–916 [IF=3.9].

  9. Jaiprakash, Singhai A., Habib, G., Sunder Raman, R. and Gupta, T., (2017), Chemical characterization of PM1.0 aerosol in Delhi and source apportionment using positive matrix factorization, Environmental Science Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-7708-8 [IF=2.76].

  10. Jaipraksh, Habib G., Kumar, A., Sharma, A., Haider, M., (2017), On-road emissions of CO, CO2 and NOX from four wheeler and emission estimates for Delhi, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 53 (2017) 39 – 4 7. [IF=2.54].

  11. Jaiprakash, Habib G., Kumar S., (2016), Evaluation of portable dilution system for aerosol measurement from stationary and mobile combustion sources, Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(7), 717–731, [IF=2.08]

  12. Bhardawaj, A., Habib, G., Padhi, A., Anand, A., Mahala, N., and Kumar, B., (2016), Deteriorating Air Quality and Increased Health Risks in Delhi: The Decisions Being Delayed“Section: Water, Air and Soil Pollution - Monitoring and Remediation", IIOABJ, 2016; Vol. 7 (11): 10-15, [IF=0.55]

  13. Das, A., Kumar, A., Habib, G., Perumal, V., (2016), Identifying Knowledge Gaps in Incorporating Toxicity of Particulate Matter Constituents for Developing Regulatory Limits on Particulate Matter, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10(7).

  14. Singh, D. K., Sharma, S., Habib, G., Gupta, T., (2015), Speciation of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present during fog time collected submicron particles, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4413-y. [Citation 4, IF=2.97]

  15. Venkataraman, C., A.D. Sagar, G. Habib, N. Lam, K.R. Smith, (2010), The Indian National Initiative for Advanced Biomass Cookstoves: The benefits of clean combustion, Energy for Sustainable Development, 14, 63–72. [Citation 122, IF=1.4]

  16. Stone, E. A., J. J. Schauer, B. B. Pradhan, P. Man Dangol, G. Habib, C. Venkataraman, (2010), Characterization of emissions from South Asian biofuels and application to source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol in the Himalayas, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D06301, doi:10.1029/2009JD011881. [Citation 48, IF=3.78]

  17. Ranjit Bahadur, Gazala Habib, Lynn M. Russell, (2009), Climatology of PM2.5 organic carbon concentrations from a review of ground-based atmospheric measurements by evolved gas analysis, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 1591–1602. [Citation 25, IF=3.7]

  18. G. Habib, C. Venkataraman, T. C. Bond, J. J. Schauer, (2008), Chemical, Microphysical and Optical Properties of Primary Particles from the Combustion of Biomass Fuels, Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 8829–8834. [Citation 35, IF=4.57]

  19. G. Habib, C. Venkataraman, I. Chiapello, S. Ramachandran, O. Boucher, M.S. Reddy, (2006), Seasonal and interannual variability in absorbing aerosols over India derived from TOMS: Relationship to regional meteorology and emissions, Atmospheric Environment, 40, 1909-1921. [Citation 87, IF=2.9]

  20. C. Venkataraman, G. Habib, J. F. Leon, B. Crouzille, D. G. Streets, M. S. Reddy, O. Boucher, M. Shrivastava, D. Kadamba, (2006), Emissions from biomass burning in India: Integrating inventory approaches with high-resolution MODIS active fire and land cover data, Global Biogeochemical Cycle, 20, GB2013, doi:10.1029/2005GB002547. [Citation 98, IF=4.66]

  21. Bond T. C., G. Habib, R. W. Bergstrom, (2006), Limitations in the Enhancement of Visible Light Absorption due to Mixing State, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D20211, doi:10.1029/2006JD007315.[Citation 311, IF=3.32]

  22. C. Venkataraman, G. Habib, A. Eiguren-Fernandez, A.H. Miguel and S.K. Friedlander, (2005), Residential biofuels in South Asia: carbonaceous aerosol emissions and climate impactsScience, 307, 1454-1456. [Citation 374, IF=11.75]

  23. Mudway, I. S., S. T. Duggan, C. Venkataraman, G. Habib, F. J. Kelly, J. Grigg, (2005), Combustion of Dried Animal Dung as Biofuel Results in the Generation of Highly Redox Active Fine Particulates, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2(6) doi:10.1186/1743-8977-2-6. [Citation 37, IF=7.11]

  24. G. Habib, C. Venkataraman, M. Shrivastava, R. Banerjee, J. Stehr and R. Dickerson, (2004), New Methodology to Estimate Biofuel Consumption for Cooking: Atmospheric Emissions of Black Carbon and Sulfur Dioxide from India, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2003GB002157. [Citation 35, IF=3.62].

Under Review

  1. Jai Prakash, Vats, Pawan, Sharma, A.K., Ganguly, Dilip, Habib, Gazala, (2018), Indian on-road transport sector: Emissions and burden of carbonaceous aerosol and direct radiative forcing over the region. Atmospheric Environment.

Under preparation

  1. Singh, G., Habib, G., Ray, S., Anjana, V., Daga, S., and Khare, M., (2017), Design and development of questionnaire methodology for Identification of air pollution effected cohorts: A synthesis of findings and future directions. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

  2. Singh G, Habib G, Anjana V, Daga S, Khare M., (2017), Association of Pulmonary functions with ambient fine aerosol concentration among a panel of young healthy adults in Delhi, India.

  3. Singh G, Habib G, Khare M., (2017), Effect of Ambient PM2.5 Concentration on Pulmonary Function, Heart Rate Variability, and ST Segment Morphology among Cohort of Healthy Security Guards.

Current Research

  1. Studying effect of aerosol chemical and microphysical properties on its hygroscopic behavior and cloud condensation nuclei formation to improve parameterization in climate models.

  2. Quantifying the effect of urban aerosol on cardiovascular and pulmonary function on healthy individuals through electro cardio graph, spirometry and personal exposure measurements.

  3. First time our group has developed an indigenous portable dilution system for aerosol quenching and measurement from combustion sources.

  4. Developing aerosol emission profile from on-field measurement of regionally important and poorly understood combustion sources such as open biomass burning in agricultural field, biomass fuel burning in cooking stove, brick kiln, and vehicles.

  5. Conducting source apportionment studies at national capital region, Delhi, Ghaziabad, and Bikaner.

Research Project Completed

  1. Infrastructure development for size resolved measurement of atmospheric and combustion aerosols, sponsored by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Grant INR 10 lakhs, July 2008 to July 2009 [Completed in 2009].
    Output: Two international publications and two M. tech thesis

  2. DST Fast Track: Development of portable dilution sampler and real time mass measurement and chemical characterization of aerosol from automobiles, Grant INR 25 lakhs, September 2011 to August 2014 [Completed in 2014].
    Output: Developed a portable dilution sampler for measurement of aerosol and gases from low temperature combustion. Five international publications and 1 PhD thesis.

Research Project Ongoing

  1. DST Extra Mural Research Funded: Understanding the role of seasonal variation in aerosol concentration and composition on cardio vascular illness among healthy and susceptible individuals of Delhi, Grant 74.3 thousand USD, December 2014 to December 2017 [On-going].
    Output: Two manuscripts are under preparation and 1 PhD Thesis submitted another PhD is on-going.

  2. Ministry of Environment and Forest Climate Change (MOEFCC) funded: National Carbonaceous Aerosol Program (NCAP) WG-III: Modeling carbonaceous aerosol source influence and atmospheric effects, Grant for Civil Engineering Department of IIT Delhi is USD 1.3 Million [On-going].
    Output: Developed a laboratory for Aerosol Research and Characterization. Developed a survey protocol for on-road transport sector. One publication submitted.

  3. Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board Source apportionment and identification of source locations for ambient PM2.5 measured over Ghaziabad using advanced factor analytic tools, Grant INR 52 lakhs [On-going].


Civil Engineering Department

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