Aravind K Swamy

Applied Econometrics and Development Economics, Pavement Design and Modeling, Damage Analysis using continuum Approach, Rheology, Airport Engineering and Systems.


  1. Eleyedath, A., Kar, S.S., and Swamy, A.K. (202X). "A SOM-GEP based Model for Prediction of Foamed Bitumen Characteristics." Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. (Accepted)

  2. Eleyedath, A., and Swamy, A.K. (202X). "Prediction of Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Concrete using Hybrid Machine Learning Technique." International Journal of Pavement Engineering. (link)

  3. Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D., and Jain, P.K. (202X). "Impact of Chemical Composition on Foaming Characteristics of Asphalt Binder." Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. (link)

  4. Rema, A., and Swamy, A.K. (202X). "A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluate Presence and Propagation of Uncertainty: A Case with Asphalt Binder Mastercurves." International Journal of Pavement Engineering. (link)

  5.  Eleyedath, A., Kar, S.S., and Swamy, A.K. (202X) "Modelling of Expansion Ratio and Half-life of Foamed Bitumen using Gene Expression Programming." International Journal of Pavement Engineering. (link)

  6. Rema, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2021). "Use of Bayesian Model Averaging to Estimate Model Uncertainty for Predicting Strain in a Four-Layered Flexible pavement." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(1): 04021002. (link)

  7. Singh, P., and Swamy, A.K. (2020). “Probabilistic Approach to Characterise Laboratory Rutting Behaviour of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 21(3), 384-396. (link)

  8. Swamy, A.K., Matolia, V., and Ramana, G.V. (2019). "Interrelationship between Uncompacted Void Content of Aggregates and Asphalt Concrete Properties." Particulate Science and Technology. 37(5), 619-627. (link)

  9. Rema, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2019). "Effect of Construction Methodology on Uncertainty in Asphalt Concrete Mastercurves." Journal of Transportation Engineering: Part B, Pavements, ASCE, 145(3). (link)

  10. Singh, P., and Swamy, A.K. (2019). “Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Binder Containing Waste Polyethylene.” International Journal of Sustainable Engineering , 12(2), 141-148.  (link)

  11. Swamy, A.K., Matolia, V., Singh, P., and Ramana, G.V. (2019). "Effect of Test Geometry and Aggregate Texture on Angle of Repose." ASTM- Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 47(6). (link)

  12. Singh, P., and Swamy, A.K. (2019). “Probabilistic Characterization of Damage Characteristic Curve of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 20(6), 659-668. (link)

  13. Eleyedath, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2018) "Prediction of Density and Viscosity of Bitumen." Petroleum Science and Technology, 36(21), 1779-1786. (link)

  14. Qurashi, I.A., and Swamy, A.K. (2018). "An Energy based Approach to Characterize Short-Term Aging Characteristics of Asphalt." ASTM-Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 7(2). 181-192. (link)

  15. Rema, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2018). "Quantification of Uncertainty in the Mastercurves of Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Concrete." ASTM-Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 7(2). 149-(link)

  16. Panda, T.R., and Swamy, A.K. (2018). “An Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Pavement Resurfacing Problem.” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 11(5), 509-(link)

  17. Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D., and Jain, P.K. (2018). "Impact of Low Viscosity Grade Bitumen on Foaming Characteristics." Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 60(2). 40-52. (link)

  18. Mannan, A., Chaudhary, S., Dhanya, C.T., and Swamy, A.K. (2018). "Regionalization of Rainfall in India Incorporating Climatic Information and using Self-Organizing Maps." ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 24(8). 147-156. (link)

  19. Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D., and Jain, P.K. (2018). "Impact of Recycled Asphalt Pavements on Properties of Foamed Bituminous Mixtures." Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 13(1), 14-22. (link)

  20. Swamy, A.K., Matolia, V., and Ramana, G.V. (2018). "Use of Angle of Repose of Aggregates as an Indicator of Asphalt Concrete Properties." Construction & Building Materials, 168, 849-857. (link)

  21. Qurashi, I.A., and Swamy, A.K. (2018). "Viscoelastic Properties of Recycled Asphalt Binder containing Waste Engine Oil." Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 992-1000. (link)

  22. Swamy, A.K., Sandhu, K.K., and Foxlow, J. (2018). “Improving Quality Control using Chance Constrained Programing: A Case Study using Bailey Method.” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 11(2), 128-137. (link)

  23. Eleyedath, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2017) "Gene Expression Programming based Viscosity-mixing Rule for Asphalt Blends." Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(14), 1508-1514. (link)

  24. Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D., and Jain, P.K. (2017). "Impact of Binder on Foamed Bituminous Mixtures Properties." Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 170(4), 194-204. (link)

  25. Singh, P., Tophel, A., and Swamy, A.K. (2017). “Properties of Asphalt Binder and Asphalt Concrete containing Waste Polyethylene.” Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(5), 495-500. (link)

  26. Kar, S.S., Jain, P.K, and Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D. (2017). "Study on Effect of Viscosity of Foaming Characteristics and Stabilized Mix Properties." The International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, 18(1), 11-30.

  27. Swamy, A.K., Rongali, U., and Jain, P.K. (2017). “Effect of HDPEH Polymer on Viscoelastic Properties of SBS Modified Asphalt.” Construction & Building Materials, 130, 230-236. (link)

  28. Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari, D., and Jain, P.K. (2017). “A Critical Review on Foam and Emulsion Based Cold Recycled Asphalt Mixes.” Indian Highways, 45(8), 23-32. (view pdf)

  29. Rongali, U., Swamy, A.K., and Jain, P.K. (2016). “Effect of SBS and HDPH Polymer on Rheological Properties of Asphalt.” Petroleum Science and Technology, 34(21), 1790-1796. (link)

  30. Sharma, H., and Swamy, A.K. (2016). “Development of Probabilistic Fatigue Curve for Asphalt Concrete based on Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Mechanics.” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 9, 270-279. (link)

  31. Kar, S.S., Tiwari, D., Swamy, A.K., and Jain, P.K. (2016). "Significance of RAP Content and Foamed Binder Content on Mechanistic Characteristics of Recycled Foamed Bituminous Mixes." Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 6(2), 220. (link)

  32. Tarefder, R.A., Bateman, D., and Swamy, A.K. (2013) “Comparison of Fatigue Failure Criterion in Flexural Fatigue Test.” International Journal of Fatigue, 55, 213-219. (link)

  33. Swamy, A.K., and Daniel, J.S. (2012) “Evaluating the Effect of Mode of Loading on Viscoelastic and Damage Properties of Asphalt Concrete.” Transportation Research Record. 2296(1), 144-152. (link)

  34. Bhattacharjee, S., Swamy, A.K., and Daniel, J.S. (2011) “Continuous Relaxation and Retardation Spectrum Method for Viscoelastic Characterization of Asphalt Concrete.” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 16(3), 287-305. (link)

  35. Swamy, A.K., Mitchell, L.F., Hall, S.J., and Daniel, J.S. (2011) “The Impact of RAP on the Volumetric, Stiffness, Strength and Low Temperature Properties of HMA.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 23(11), 1490-1497. (link)

  36. Foxlow, J.J., Daniel, J.S., and Swamy, A.K. (2011) “RAP or RAS? The Differences in Performance of HMA Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles.” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 80, 347-376.

  37. Swamy, A.K., and Das, A. (2009) “Optimal Proportioning for Hot Recycled Mix Design Under Superpave Mix Design Consideration,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 36(9), 1470-1477. (link)

  38. Bhattacharjee, S., Swamy, A.K., and Daniel, J.S. (2009) “Application of the Elastic-Viscoelastic Correspondence Principle to Determine the Fatigue Endurance Limit of Hot Mix Asphalt.” Transportation Research Record. 2126(1), 12-18. (link)

  39. Aravind, K., and Das, A. (2007) “Preliminary Constituent Proportioning for Central Plant Hotmix Asphalt.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 19(9), 740-745. (link)

  40. Aravind, K., and Das, A. (2007) “Pavement Design with Central Plant Hot-mix Recycled Asphalt Mixes,” Construction & Building Materials, 21(5), 928-936. (link)


  1. Swamy, A.K. and Das, A. Possible Use of Some Waste Materials in Road Construction, The Masterbuilder, October, 80-91, 2012. (link)

  2. Aravind, K. and Das, A., Bituminous Pavement Recycling, Strengths, Vol. I, Society of Civil Engineers, IIT Kanpur, India. April, 2005. (view pdf)

  3. Aravind, K. and Das, A., Industrial Waste in Highway Construction, Pebbles, Vol. I, Society of Civil Engineers, IIT Kanpur, India. May, 2004. (view pdf)

Research Reports

  1. Prowell, B.D., Brown, E.R., Anderson, M., Daniel, J.S., Swamy, A.K., Quintus, H.V, Shen, S., Carpenter, S., Bhattacharjee, S., and Maghsoodloo, S. “Validating the Fatigue Endurance Limit for Hot Mix Asphalt.” NCHRP Report #646, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington DC, USA, 2010. (link)

  2. Daniel, J.S., Mitchell, L. F., and Swamy, A.K. “Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Containing RAP.” NHDOT SPR Project No. 14282B, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2009.





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